Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: mild, loose, slow, slack
緩い: yurui: loose, slack, lenient, generous
緩く: yuruku: loosely, leniently, generously, slowly
緩やか: yuruyaka: lenient, generous, loose, slow
緩やかに: yuruyakani: leniently, generously, liberally
緩み: yurumi: looseness, slackness, relaxation, relief
緩む: yurumu: become slack, slacken, grow [come] loose, loosen, relax, abate
緩める: yurumeru: loose, make loose, unfasten, slacken, relax, mitigate, abate, slow down
緩り: yukkuri: slowly, by slow degrees, at a slow pace, leisurely, deliberately, at ease
緩り歩く: yukkuriaruku: walk slowly [leisurely] <<<
緩り遣る: yukkuriyaru: take time <<<
緩りする: yukkurisuru: take time, stay long
緩り眠る: yukkurinemuru: have a good sleep <<<
緩: husa, yasu, nobu, hiro: pers.
Kanji words: 緩衝 , 緩慢 , 緩和
Expressions: 箍が緩む , 歩みを緩める , 螺子を緩める , 手綱を緩める , 緩い階段 , キャップを緩める , バンドを緩める , ブレーキを緩める
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