Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 9
translation: lose, be defeated, betray (ext.), disobey
hu, bu
負の: huno: negative <<< マイナス
負ける: makeru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose (a game), get the worst of it, be inferior (to), reduce [lower] (the price), take off, yield [bow] (to), give way (to), be overcome (with)
負かす: makasu: beat, defeat, get the better of, outdo (a person), whack
負けて遣る: maketeyaru: concede <<<
負けるが勝ち: makerugakachi: he that fights and runs away may live to fight another day, sometimes you have to lose to win <<<
負け: make: defeat, loss
負け越す: makekosu: be led by, be behind <<<
負けず劣らず: makezuotorazu: equally, neck and neck <<<
負けず嫌い: makezugirai: unyielding, unbending, obstinate, stubborn <<<
負く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
負う: ou: bear [carry] on one's back, take upon oneself, undertake [shoulder] (the responsibility), be charged with, owe, be due [indebted, under obligation] to
Kanji words: 御負け , 負債 , 負傷 , 負担 , 抱負 , 勝負 , 自負 , 負け惜しみ
Expressions: 罪を負う , 賭けに負ける , 背負う , 背負わせる , 請け負う , 傷を負う , 傷を負った , 傷を負わせる , 競技に負ける , 議論に負ける , 始末に負えない , 外傷を負う , 衝動に負ける , 気合負けする , 誘惑に負ける , 責任を負う , 責任を負わぬ , 剃刀負けする , 博打で負ける , 訴訟に負ける , 選挙に負ける , 怪我を負わせる , 怪我負け , 勝負に負ける , 裁判に負ける , 戦争に負ける , 競走に負ける , 試合に負ける , 綺麗に負ける , 重傷を負う , 重傷を負わせる , 反則負け , 反則負けする , 競争に負ける , 重荷を負う , ストレートで負ける

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