Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: accessory , optics
Number of strokes: 19
translation: mirror
kyou, kei
鏡: kagami: mirror, barrelhead
鏡の間: kagaminoma: hall of mirrors <<<
鏡に映る: kagaminiutsuru: be reflected in a mirror <<<
鏡を見る: kagamiomiru: look at oneself in a mirror, look in the glass <<<
鏡を抜く: kagamionuku: open a barrel <<<
鏡の様な: kagaminoyouna: glassy, smooth <<<
Kanji words: 鏡台 , 眼鏡 , 内視鏡 , 望遠鏡 , 万華鏡 , 顕微鏡 , 鏡餅
Expressions: 強度の近眼鏡 , 反射鏡 , 老眼鏡 , 拡大鏡 , 透視鏡 , 懐中鏡
synonyms: ミラー

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