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pronunciation: doko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: where, which place
何処へ: dokoe: to where
何処に: dokoni: where, to where
何処に居ますか: dokoniimasuka: Where are you? <<<
何処から: dokokara: from where
何処からか: dokokaraka: from somewhere
何処から来ましたか: dokokarakimashitaka: Where are you from? <<<
何処から見ても: dokokaramitemo: in all respects, in every respect <<<
何処でも: dokodemo: in any place, wherever, everywhere
何処にも: dokonimo
何処まで: dokomade: how far, where
何処までも: dokomademo: wherever, everywhere
何処と無く: dokotonaku: anyhow, somehow <<<
何処ですか: dokodesuka: Where is it?
駅は何処ですか: ekihadokodesuka: Where is the station? <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjohadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 便所
トイレットは何処ですか: toirettohadokodesuka: Where is the restroom [washroom, toilet]? <<< トイレット
related words: 場所

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