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pronunciation: shiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , music
translation: command (n.), order (n.), direction
指揮する: shikisuru: command (v.), order (v.), lead, direct
指揮を受ける: shikioukeru: be under a person's command, take orders from <<<
指揮棒: shikibou: baton, wand <<<
指揮台: shikidai: podium, platform <<<
指揮官: shikikan: commander, commanding officer <<<
指揮権: shikiken: right of command <<<
指揮者: shikisha: director, leader, commander <<<
指揮系統: shikikeitou: chain of command <<< 系統
軍隊指揮: guntaishiki: military commandment [command] <<< 軍隊

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