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pronunciation: taizai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: stay (n.), sojourn (n.)
滞在する: taizaisuru: stay (v.), stop (v.), sojourn (v.), remain (v.)
滞在地: taizaichi: place of sojourn <<<
滞在先: taizaisaki: place [address] of stay [sojourn], place where you stay <<<
滞在費: taizaihi: cost of sojourn <<<
滞在客: taizaikyaku: guest, sojourner <<<
滞在許可: taizaikyoka: residence permit <<< 許可
滞在許可証: taizaikyokashou: residency permit, green card <<<
滞在日数: taizainissuu: length of one's stay <<< 日数
滞在期間: taizaikikan <<< 期間
不法滞在: huhoutaizai: illegal residence <<< 不法
長期滞在: choukitaizai: long [prolonged] stay <<< 長期
synonyms: 居留 , 駐在

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