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pronunciation: yokin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: deposit, money on deposit, bank account
預金する: yokinsuru: bank (v.), deposit money (in a bank)
預金係: yokingakari: deposit teller <<<
預金者: yokinsha: depositor <<<
預金者保護: yokinshahogo: depositor protection <<< 保護
預金高: yokindaka: deposited amount <<<
預金勘定: yokinkanjou: deposit account <<< 勘定
預金口座: yokinkouza <<< 口座
預金準備: yokinjunbi: deposit reserve <<< 準備
預金準備率: yokinjunbiritsu: deposit reserve rate <<<
預金証書: yokinshousho: deposit receipt [certificate] <<< 証書
預金通貨: yokintsuuka: deposit money [currency] <<< 通貨
預金通帳: yokintsuuchou: deposit passbook <<< 通帳
預金手形: yokintegata: certificate of deposit <<< 手形
預金利子: yokinrishi: interest on a deposit <<< 利子
預金残高: yokinzandaka: savings balance <<< 残高
当座預金: touzayokin: current deposit [account] <<< 当座
related words: 貯金

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