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pronunciation: sangoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , history
translation: three countries (especially Japan, China and India)
三国一: sangokuichi: best of the world, peerless <<<
三国人: sangokujin: Asian foreigners from ex Japanese colonies <<<
三国志: sangokushi: Chinese historic novel on the Three Kingdoms <<<
三国時代: sangokujidai: period when China was divided three kingdoms <<< 時代
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 同盟
三国協定: sangokukyoutei: Tripartite Agreement <<< 協定
三国干渉: sangokukanshou: Triple Intervention <<< 干渉
三国協商: sangokukyoushou: Triple Entente
第三国: daisangoku: a third nation <<<
バルト三国: barutosangoku: Baltic States <<< バルト

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