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pronunciation: kanzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , sport
translation: completeness, perfection, entirety, integrity
完全な: kanzennna: complete (a.), perfect, entire, integral, outright
完全に: kanzennni: perfectly, thoroughly, outright (adv.), chock
完全にする: kanzennnisuru: complete (v.), perfect (v.)
完全に成る: kanzennninaru: become perfect [complete] <<<
完全無欠: kanzenmuketsu: impeccable, integral, flawless
完全雇用: kanzenkoyou: full employment <<< 雇用
完全操業: kanzensougyou: full operation <<< 操業
完全看護: kanzenkango: full assistance <<< 看護
完全燃焼: kanzennnenshou: perfect combustion <<< 燃焼
完全試合: kanzenshiai: perfect game <<< 試合
完全犯罪: kanzenhanzai: perfect crime <<< 犯罪
完全主義: kanzenshugi: perfectionism <<< 主義
完全主義者: kanzenshugisha: perfectionist <<<
不完全: hukanzen: imperfection <<<
不完全な: hukanzennna: imperfect, incomplete
synonyms: 完璧

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