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pronunciation: rieki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: profit, gain
利益の有る: riekinoaru: profitable, paying, beneficial, advantageous <<<
利益の無い: riekinonai: unprofitable, unpaying <<<
利益の少ない: riekinosukunai: give [yield] little profit <<<
利益に反する: riekinihansuru: be against one's interests <<<
利益を得る: riekioeru: derive benefit from <<<
利益を与える: riekioataeru: benefit, do (a person) good <<<
利益金: riekikin: a profit <<<
純利益金: junriekikin: a net profit <<<
利益分配: riekibunpai: profit sharing, distribution of profits
利益配当: riekihaitou: dividend <<< 配当
利益確定: riekikakutei: profit taking <<< 確定 , 利確
荒利益: ararieki: gross margin [profit] <<<
粗利益: ararieki <<<
不当利益: hutourieki: undue profit, profiteering <<< 不当
synonyms: 所得 , 黒字

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