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pronunciation: shougyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: commerce, trade, business
商業の: shougyouno: commercial, mercantile, business
商業上: shougyoujou <<<
商業を営む: shougyouoitonamu: carry on trade <<<
商業化: shougyouka: commercialization <<<
商業化する: shougyoukasuru: commercialize
商業文: shougyoubun: business correspondence <<<
商業地: shougyouchi: commercial [business, shopping] district [center] <<<
商業区: shougyouku: commercial [business, shopping] district <<<
商業界: shougyoukai: business circles, commercial world <<<
商業国: shougyoukoku: mercantile nation <<<
商業都市: shougyoutoshi: commercial city <<< 都市
商業資本: shougyoushihon: trading capital <<< 資本
商業団体: shougyoudantai: trade association <<< 団体
商業主義: shougyoushugi: commercialism <<< 主義
商業学校: shougyougakkou: commercial school [college] <<< 学校
商業施設: shougyoushisetsu: mall, shopping center <<< 施設
synonyms: 商売 , ビジネス , 事業

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