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pronunciation: shokuba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office
translation: one's post, one's place of work, one's working place
職場に帰る: shokubanikaeru: return to work <<<
職場を守る: shokubaomamoru: stick to one's post <<<
職場放棄: shokubahouki: walkout <<< 放棄
職場を放棄する: shokubaohoukisuru: desert one's post, walk out (on one's job)
職場代表: shokubadaihyou: workshop steward <<< 代表
職場委員: shokubaiin <<< 委員
職場委員会: shokubaiinkai: shop committee <<<
職場大会: shokubataikai: workshop rally <<< 大会
職場集会: shokubashuukai <<< 集会
職場転換: shokubatenkan: (staff) turnover, transfer <<< 転換
職場闘争: shokubatousou: workshop struggle <<< 闘争
職場補導: shokubahodou: training within industry (TWI), on-the-job training <<< 補導

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