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pronunciation: dentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , art
translation: tradition
伝統的: dentouteki: traditional <<<
伝統的に: dentoutekini: traditionally
伝統に従う: dentounishitagau: follow tradition <<<
伝統に倣う: dentouninarau <<<
伝統を破る: dentouoyaburu: violate tradition <<<
伝統を重んじる: dentouoomonjiru: make much of tradition <<<
伝統を守る: dentouomamoru <<<
伝統主義: dentoushugi: traditionalism <<< 主義
伝統主義者: dentoushugisha: traditionalist <<<
長い伝統: nagaidentou: time-honored tradition <<<
related words: 慣習

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