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category: common usage
keyword: fish
Number of strokes: 11
translation: angle for, fishing
釣る: tsuru: angle for, fish (v.)
釣り: tsuri: fishing, angling, change (for money, jp.)
釣りをする: tsuriosuru: angle for, fish (v.)
釣りに行く: tsuriniiku: go fishing [angling] <<<
Kanji words: 釣竿
Expressions: 魚を釣る , 釣道具 , 甘言で釣る , 蜻蛉釣り
related words:

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: blunt, dull, slow, stolid
鈍い: nibui: blunt, dull, slow, stolid
鈍い音: nibuioto: thick sound <<<
鈍い光: nibuihikari: dim light <<<
鈍る: niburu: become dull [blunt], relax, weaken
鈍: namakura: blunt sword, useless thing
Kanji words: 鈍感
Expressions: 刃の鈍い , 貧すれば鈍する , 神経が鈍い , 感覚が鈍い

category: common usage
keyword: material
Number of strokes: 13
translation: lead
鉛: namari: lead (n.)
鉛の: namarino: lead (a.), leaden
Kanji words: 鉛筆 , 亜鉛
Expressions: 炭酸鉛 , 塩化鉛 , 鉛中毒 , 酢酸鉛

category: common usage
keyword: musical instrument
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bell
rei, rin
鈴: suzu
鈴を鳴らす: suzuonarasu: tinkle a bell <<<
鈴の音: suzunone: tinkle [tinkling] of a bell <<<
Kanji words: 鈴蘭 , 鈴木 , 鈴菜
synonyms: ベル

category: common usage
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bowl, basin, pot, crown (of the head)
hachi, hatsu
鉢: hachi
Kanji words: 火鉢 , 鉢巻
Expressions: 金魚鉢 , 手洗い鉢 , 菓子鉢 , 植木鉢

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tube
銃: juu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket, firearm
銃: koZutsu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket
Kanji words: 小銃 , 機銃 , 拳銃 , 銃士 , 銃砲
Expressions: 機関銃 , 連発銃 , 空気銃 , レーザー銃

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: pig iron
銑: zuku

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: write down, put down
mei, myou
銘: mei: (trade) mark (jp.)
銘す: shirusu: write [note, jot] down, put [set down], describe, give an account (of) <<< ,
Kanji words: 銘柄
Expressions: 肝に銘じる

category: common usage
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 15
translation: sharp, pointed, keen, clever, fast
ei, tai
鋭い: surudoi: sharp, pointed, violent, acute, cutting, poignant, keen, piercing
鋭い痛み: surudoiitami: acute pain <<<
鋭く: surudoku: sharply, keenly, poignantly, acutely
鋭くする: surudokusuru: sharpen
鋭い: hayai: fast, quick, rapid <<<
Kanji words: 精鋭 , 鋭敏
Expressions: 刃の鋭い , 歯の鋭い , 感覚が鋭い

category: common usage
keyword: industry
Number of strokes: 15
translation: cast , mold
chuu, shu, shuu
鋳る: iru: cast , mold, coin (money)
Kanji words: 鋳造 , 鋳鉄 , 鋳物
Expressions: 貨幣を鋳る

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