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Direct access: , , 尿 , , , , , , ,

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case, exhaust, consume, use up, finish, terminate
尽きる: tsukiru: be exhausted, be used up, be consumed, be gone, run out [low], peter out
尽くす: tsukusu: exhaust, consume, use up, finish, terminate
尽かす: tsukasu
尽く: kotogotoku: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case <<<
Kanji words: 不尽
Expressions: 礼を尽くす , 至れり尽くせり , 力が尽きる , 力を尽くす , 策が尽きる , 運が尽きる , 実を尽くす , 精が尽きる , 手を尽くす , 全力を尽くす , 愛想を尽かす , 愛想が尽きる , 愛想を尽かされる , 手段を尽くす , 精根を尽くす , 根気が尽きる , 義務を尽くす , ベストを尽く

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 7
translation: tail, scut, trail
尾: o: tail, scut, brush, train, trail
尾: shippo <<< 尻尾
尾を振る: oohuru: wag its tail <<<
尾を巻く: oomaku: curl its trail <<<
尾を引く: oohiku: drag [draw] out <<<
尾り: owari: end, termination <<<
尾む: tsurumu: copulate
Kanji words: 尾行 , 尾根 , 交尾 , 接尾 , 船尾 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 尻尾 , 尾骨
Expressions: 狐の尾 , 彗星の尾


category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: urine, piss
尿: nyou: urine
尿: yubari, ibari
尿の: nyouno: urinary, uric
尿をする: nyouosuru: urinate, piss
尿を出す: nyouodasu <<<
尿を漏らす: nyouomorasu: wet oneself <<<
Kanji words: 糖尿病
Expressions: 蛋白尿 , 尿検査
synonyms: 小便

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: fold, curve, stoop
屈む: kagamu: stoop, lean over, bend forward, crouch
屈める: kagameru: bend, stoop, bow
Kanji words: 卑屈 , 窮屈 , 理屈 , 屈折 , 退屈 , 不屈 , 屈辱 , 偏屈
Expressions: 腰を屈める , 膝を屈する , 権力に屈する
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: footwear
Number of strokes: 15
translation: shoes, boots, put on, trample, walk
履: kutsu: shoes, boots <<<
履む: humu: trample, walk <<<
履く: haku: put on <<< 穿
Kanji words: 履歴 , 草履 , 履物
Expressions: 靴を履く , 草履を履く , 下駄を履く , 下駄履きで , 足袋を履く , 靴下を履く , 長靴を履く , 長靴を履いた , 履物を履く , 部屋履き , 薄氷を履む , スリッパを履く , スキーを履く

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 5
translation: buttocks, hips, bottom, rump, seat, base
尻: shiri
尻の穴: shirinoana: asshole <<<
尻から数えて: jirikarakazoete: from the bottom <<<
尻が長い: shiriganagai: stay too long <<<
尻が割れる: shiregawareru: be brought to light, be found out <<<
尻の軽い: shirinokarui: wanton, unchaste (woman) <<<
尻の重い: shirinoomoi: lazy, sluggish, indolent <<<
尻に火が点く: shirinihigatsuku: be pressed by urgent business
尻を叩く: shiriotataku: give a spanking to, spank, goad (a person to do) <<<
尻を捲る: shiriomakuru: assume a defiant attitude <<<
尻を向ける: shiriomukeru: turn the back (upon) <<<
尻を追う: shirioou: chase [run] after a woman <<<
尻を拭う: shirionuguu: pay for a person's loss, make up for a person's blunder <<<
Kanji words: 尻尾 , 目尻
Expressions: 尻ポケット
synonyms: ヒップ

category: JIS1
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 9
translation: corpse, carcass
屍: shikabane
synonyms: 死体 , 死骸

category: JIS1
keyword: hygiene
Number of strokes: 10
translation: pure, upright, manly, waste, trash, rubbish, refuse, little, small, tiny
屑: kuzu: waste, trash, rubbish, refuse
屑い: isagiyoi: pure, upright, manly <<<
屑: kiyo: pers.
Kanji words: 星屑 , 屑鉄
Expressions: パン屑
related words: ,

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: slaughter, butcher, massacre
屠る: hohuru: slaughter, butcher, massacre, defeat, beat
Kanji words: 屠殺
related words:

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 7
translation: wind, fart
屁: onara
屁を放る: heohiru: break wind <<<
屁と思わぬ: hetoomowanu: don't care a button [pin, straw] (about), make nothing of <<<
屁でも無い: hedemonai <<<
Expressions: 屁の河童 , 屁理屈 , 屁理屈を言う , 屁理屈を捏ねる , 屁理屈屋

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