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category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 10
translation: endeavor, persevere
勉める: tsutomeru <<<
勉: tsutomu: pers.
Kanji words: 勉強 , 勤勉

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 11
translation: work, duty, service, office, business
務め: tsutome: one's duty, work, duties, service, office, business
務めを果たす: tsutomeohatasu: carry out one's duty <<<
務めを怠る: tsutomeookotaru: neglect one's duties <<<
務めを辞める: tsutomeoyameru: resign [quit] one's post [situation], retire from office <<< , 退職
務める: tsutomeru: hold a post [an office] (in), be employed (in), serve (in), be in the service of
Kanji words: 外務 , 業務 , 総務 , 任務 , 財務 , 税務 , 刑務所 , 勤務 , 公務 , 法務 , 常務 , 職務 , 事務 , 義務 , 服務 , 債務 , 教務 , 内務 , 実務
Expressions: 役を務める , 議長を務める , 通訳を務める , 主役を務める

category: to learn in school
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 11
translation: move, stir, shake, swing, sway, work, operate, run, waver
動じる: doujiru, douzuru: be agitated [perturbed], get nervous
動じない: doujinai: be not easily moved [upset, perturbed], don't get excited
動く: ugoku: move (vi.), stir, shake, swing, sway, work, operate, run, be moved, be touched, be affected, be shaken, waver, change, vary
動かす: ugokasu: move (vt.), remove, shift, shake, swing, set in motion, work [operate] a machine, control, deal with (a person), affect, touch
動き: ugoki: movement, motion, activities, trend, drift
動きが取れない: ugokigatorenai: cannot move [stir] an inch, be tied up, be in a spot [fix, dilemma] <<<
Kanji words: 動作 , 動悸 , 鼓動 , 震動 , 動力 , 動詞 , 反動 , 暴動 , 衝動 , 挙動 , 起動 , 電動 , 激動 , 能動 , 波動 , 運動 , 駆動 , 動画 , 機動 , 活動 , 動脈 , 値動き , 行動 , 動態 , 移動 , 動員 , 身動き , 流動 , 念動 , 作動 , 動物 , 動機 , 感動 , 連動 , 不動 , 振動 , 自動 , 自動車 , 受動 , 騒動 , 動揺 , 変動 , 不動産 , 動議 , 扇動 , 動向
Expressions: 駒を動かす , 揺り動かす , 前後に動かす , 梃子でも動かない , 動滑車 , 動く歩道 , 動名詞 , 動力学 , 蒸気で動く , 上下動 , 政界の動き

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 12
translation: duty, service, work
kin, gon
勤める: tsutomeru: hold a post [an office] (in), be employed (in), serve (in), be in the service of, take the part [character] of, play (the part of), impersonate (a character)
勤まる: tsutomaru: be fit for [equal to] (a post, an office)
勤め: tsutome: one's duty, work, duties, service, office, business
勤め上げる: tsutomeageru: serve out one's time, complete one's service <<<
勤しむ: isoshimu: endeavor (to do, after an aim), strive [exert oneself] (to do, for), be diligent (in, at)
Kanji words: 通勤 , 夜勤 , 転勤 , 出勤 , 欠勤 , 勤労 , 勤務 , 勤勉
Expressions: 殿を勤める , 業務に勤しむ , 日々の勤め , 刑期を勤める , 会社に勤める , 脇役を勤める

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , war
Number of strokes: 12
translation: win, victory, triumph
勝つ: katsu: win (v.), triumph
勝ち誇る: kachihokoru: be triumphant (over), be elated [overjoyed] with victory <<<
勝ち誇って: kachihokotte: triumphantly, in triumph <<<
勝ち得る: kachieru: win, gain, secure <<<
勝ち取る: kachitoru <<<
勝ち越す: kachikosu: have (x) wins against (a person), lead (a person) by (x scores) <<<
勝ち抜く: kachinuku: win straight victories <<<
勝ち残る: kachinokoru: win one's way to the finals <<<
勝って兜の緒を締めよ: kattekabutonoooshimeyo: do not let your guard down after a victory, tighten the strings of your helmet after winning
勝る: masaru: surpass, be superior, excel
勝るとも劣らない: masarutomootoranai: be not at all inferior to, can favorably compare with, be as good as <<<
勝える: taeru: bear, resist <<< ,
Kanji words: 優勝 , 急勝 , 決勝 , 完勝 , 名勝 , 勝ち組 , 勝負 , 勝利 , 勝手 , 連勝
Expressions: 己に勝つ , 年には勝てない , 年には勝てぬ , 逃げるが勝ち , 賭けに勝つ , 曇り勝ちの , 打ち勝つ , 紛れで勝つ , 負けるが勝ち , 有り勝ちな , 競技に勝つ , 議論に勝つ , 判定で勝つ , 判定勝 , 病気勝ちの , 遠慮勝ちな , 遠慮勝ちに , 誘惑に勝つ , 博打で勝つ , 気性の勝った , 訴訟に勝つ , 選挙に勝つ , 怪我勝ち , 勝負に勝つ , 裁判に勝つ , 戦争に勝つ , 競走に勝つ , 試合に勝つ , 競争に勝つ , ストレートで勝つ

category: to learn in school
keyword: energy
Number of strokes: 13
translation: momentum, force, impetus
sei, se
勢い: ikioi: spirit, vigor, energy, influence, power, tendency (to, toward, to do), impetus
勢いを付ける: ikioiotsukeru: encourage, cheer up, enliven <<<
勢いの良い: ikioinoii, ikioinoyoi: energetic, vigorous, spirited, powerful, vivid <<<
勢い良く: ikioiyoku: energetically, vigorously, with vigor <<<
勢いの無い: ikioinonai: spiritless, weak <<<
勢いを振るう: ikioiohuruu: exercise authority (over) <<<
勢: zei: crowd (jp.), army
Kanji words: 態勢 , 去勢 , 優勢 , 劣勢 , 攻勢 , 形勢 , 姿勢 , 勢力 , 加勢 , 大勢 , 伊勢 , 情勢 , 運勢 , 趨勢
Expressions: 凄じい勢いで , 破竹の勢いで , 日出の勢い

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: inferior (in capacity), unskillful, poor, awkward, clumsy
劣る: otoru: be inferior (to a person), fall behind (a person), be worse (than)
劣い: tsutanai: unskillful, poor, awkward, clumsy <<<
Kanji words: 卑劣 , 劣勢 , 劣化
Expressions: 勝るとも劣らない , 負けず劣らず

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: encourage, endeavor
励む: hagemu: endeavor (to do, after an aim), strive [exert oneself] (to do, for), be diligent (in, at)
励ます: hagemasu: encourage, cheer up, stimulate, buoy up (with, by)
励み: hagemi: encouragement, stimulus
励みに成る: hagemininaru: encouraging, serve as a stimulus (to a person) <<<
励みが付く: hagemigatsuku: be encouraged, be stimulated <<<
励み合う: hagemiau: vie with each other <<<
Kanji words: 奨励 , 激励 , 励行
Expressions: 業務に励む , 家業に励む

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 8
translation: prosecute, pursue, chase
劾める: kiwameru: pursue, chase, seek after

category: common usage
keyword: law
Number of strokes: 9
translation: imperial decree, edict
勅める: imashimeru: admonish (a person against doing, a person not to do), warn, punish <<< ,
勅: mikotonori: imperial decree, edict <<<
Kanji words: 勅令 , 勅使

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