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category: common usage
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 18
translation: weave
shoku, shiki, shi
織る: oru: weave
織り込む: orikomu: interweave, incorporate a thing into another thing <<<
Kanji words: 組織 , 錦織 , 織物 , 手織 , 羽織 , 機織
Expressions: 錦を織る , 機を織る , 木綿織 , カシミヤ織

category: JIS1
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 14
translation: twill, damask
綾: aya: twill, damask, context (jp.), pers.

category: JIS1
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 16
translation: brocade
錦: nishiki: brocade (n.)
錦を織る: nishikiooru: brocade (v.) <<<
錦を飾る: nishikiokazaru: return (home) with glory [honor] <<<
Kanji words: 錦鯉 , 錦織

category: JIS2
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 17
translation: tangle, difficulties, complication
縺れる: motsureru: be all knots in tangles, be disheveled, become complicated, be entangled, lisp, speak inarticulately
縺れ: motsure: tangle, difficulties, complication
縺れを解く: motsureotoku: disentangle, unravel <<<

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