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category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 9
translation: shield, buckler
jun, ton
盾: tate: shield (n.), buckler
盾にする: tatenisuru: shield (v.)
盾突く, 楯突く: tatetsuku: oppose, resist, rebel [set oneself] against
Kanji words: 矛盾

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 10
translation: catapult, canon
砲: tsutsu: pipe, tube, cylinder <<<
Kanji words: 高射砲 , 砲火 , 砲撃 , 銃砲 , 鉄砲 , 大砲
Expressions: 迫撃砲 , 戦車砲 , 速射砲 , 捕鯨砲 , 自走砲 , 榴弾砲 , バズーカ砲 , レーザー砲 , ロケット砲 , カチューシャ砲

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 12
translation: fillip, bounce
弾: hajikiyumi: ancient toy to fillip balls
弾: tama: ball, bullet, shell <<< ,
弾く: hajiku: fillip (vt.)
弾む: hazumu: bounce
弾く: hiku: play an instrument
弾す: tadasu: examine, investigate, inquire [look] into <<<
Kanji words: 爆弾 , 弾丸 , 弾力 , 手榴弾 , 榴弾 , 実弾 , 弾薬
Expressions: 指で弾く , 細菌弾 , 小銃弾 , 火山弾 , 算盤を弾く , 照明弾 , 琵琶を弾じる , 誘導弾 , 信号弾 , ナパーム弾 , ソロで弾く , ハープを弾く , アコーデオン弾き , オルガンを弾く , ギターを弾く , ギター弾き , バイオリンを弾く , バイオリン弾き , ピアノを弾く

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tube
銃: juu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket, firearm
銃: koZutsu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket
Kanji words: 小銃 , 機銃 , 拳銃 , 銃士 , 銃砲
Expressions: 機関銃 , 連発銃 , 空気銃 , レーザー銃

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 19
translation: explode, explosion, burn
baku, haku
爆く: yaku: burn <<<
爆ける: sakeru: split (vi.), be torn <<<
Kanji words: 爆音 , 空爆 , 爆撃 , 爆弾 , 原爆 , 爆笑 , 自爆 , 爆発

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 11
translation: cut with a sword [knife]
zan, sen, zen
斬る: kiru
斬り殺す: kirikorosu: slay, kill with a sword [knife] <<<
斬り付ける: kiritsukeru: strike (at), give (a person) a cut <<<
斬り捲る: kirimakuru: slash about (one), mow down (the enemy) <<<
斬り結ぶ: kirimusubu: clash [cross] swords (with) <<<
Kanji words: 斬新 , 斬首
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 11
translation: helmet
tou, to
兜: kabuto
兜を脱ぐ: kabutoonugu: take off one's helmet, give in, raise one's hat (to), admit defeat, capitulate <<<
related words: ヘルメット

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 13
translation: shield, buckler, handrail, railing, balustrade
楯: tate: shield, buckler
楯: tesuri: handrail, railing, balustrade <<< 手摺

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap
sou, shou
鞘: saya: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap, commission (jp.)
鞘に収める: sayaniosameru: return [put back] (one's sword) into the scabbard, sheathe [put up] (one's sword) <<<
鞘を払う: sayaoharau: draw [unsheathe] one's sword <<<
鞘を取る: sayaotoru: take a commission <<<
Expressions: 刀の鞘

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 17
translation: point of a sword
鍔: tsuba: sword guard (jp.), brim
鍔の広い: tsubanohiroi: broad-brimmed <<<
Expressions: 帽子の鍔

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