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Direct access: 違反 , 受身 , 腕前 , 馬乗 , 運動 , 遠征 , 延長 , 円盤 , 応援 , 王座


pronunciation: ihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , crime
translation: violation, transgression, offense, breach, foulness
違反の: ihannno: violating, transgressing, offending, foul (a.)
違反する: ihansuru: violate, transgress, offend, foul (v.)
違反者: ihansha: offender <<<
法律に違反する: houritsuniihansuru: break [violate] the law <<< 法律
法律違反: houritsuihan: breach of the law <<< 法律
中立違反: chuuritsuihan: violation [breach] of neutrality <<< 中立
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 規則
政令違反: seireiihan: violation of a government ordinance <<< 政令
選挙違反: senkyoihan: election fraud <<< 選挙
憲法違反: kenpouihan: violation of the constitution <<< 憲法
憲法違反の: kenpouihannno: unconstitutional <<< 憲法
契約違反: keiyakuihan: breach of contract <<< 契約
交通違反: koutsuuihan: traffic offense <<< 交通
ルール違反: ruuruihan: rule offense <<< ルール
スピード違反: supiidoihan: violation of the speed regulations, speeding <<< スピード
related words: 違法


pronunciation: ukemi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け身
keyword: sport , grammar
translation: passive (voice), defensive position
受身の: ukemino: passive, (on the) defensive
受身に成る: ukemininaru: be on the defensive, lose the initiative <<<


pronunciation: udemae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: ability, capacity, skill
synonyms: 技能


pronunciation: umanori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: bestriding
馬乗に成る: umanorininaru: sit astride <<<
related words: 乗馬


pronunciation: undou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , physics
translation: movement, sport, sporting, exercise (n.), campaign (v.), canvassing, lobbying
運動する: undousuru: move, exercise (v.), campaign (v.), canvass, lobby
運動会: undoukai: (school's) sports game [gala] <<<
運動靴: undougutsu: sneakers, trainers, sports shoes <<<
運動服: undouhuku: sports clothes, sports-wear <<<
運動場: undoujou: playground, athletic field <<<
運動家: undouka: athletic, sportsman, activist <<<
運動具: undougu: sports goods <<<
運動具店: undouguten: sports store <<<
運動量: undouryou: momentum <<<
運動員: undouin: campaigner, canvasser <<<
運動不足: undoubusoku: lack of exercise <<< 不足
運動神経: undoushinkei: motor nerve <<< 神経
運動麻痺: undoumahi: motor paralysis <<< 麻痺
運動競技: undoukyougi: athletic sports <<< 競技
運動エネルギー: undouenerugii: kinetic energy <<< エネルギー
室内運動: shitsunaiundou: indoor exercise <<< 室内
屋外運動: okugaiundou: outdoor exercise <<< 屋外
呼吸運動: kokyuuundou: breathing exercise <<< 呼吸
跳躍運動: chouyakuundou: spring exercise <<< 跳躍
農民運動: nouminnundou: peasant movement <<< 農民
抗議運動: kougiundou: protest movement <<< 抗議
政治運動: seijiundou: political movement <<< 政治
反戦運動: hansennundou: pacifist movement <<< 反戦
労働運動: roudouundou: labor movement <<< 労働
平和運動: heiwaundou: pacifist movement <<< 平和
反射運動: hanshaundou: reflex movement <<< 反射
啓蒙運動: keimouundou: Enlightenment movement <<< 啓蒙
社会運動: shakaiundou: social movement <<< 社会
革命運動: kakumeiundou: revolutionary movement <<< 革命
貯蓄運動: chochikuundou: savings campaign <<< 貯蓄
学生運動: gakuseiundou: student movement [activism] <<< 学生
宣伝運動: sendennundou: propaganda campaign <<< 宣伝
促進運動: sokushinnundou: movement for the realization [furtherance] (of) <<< 促進
周期運動: shuukiundou: periodic movement <<< 周期
抵抗運動: teikouundou: resistance movement <<< 抵抗
旋回運動: senkaiundou: rotary [rotating, pivoting] movement, gyration <<< 旋回
筋肉運動: kinnnikuundou: muscular movement <<< 筋肉
選挙運動: senkyoundou: election campaign <<< 選挙
水平運動: suiheiundou: horizontal movement, leveling movement <<< 水平
下降運動: kakouundou: downward movement <<< 下降
思想運動: shisouundou: thought movement <<< 思想
組合運動: kumiaiundou: union activities, syndicalism, unionism <<< 組合
地殻運動: chikakuundou: crustal movement <<< 地殻
回転運動: kaitennundou: rotary motion <<< 回転
就職運動: shuushokuundou: job hunting <<< 就職
就職運動をする: shuushokuundouosuru: hunt for employment <<< 就職
募金運動: bokinnundou: campaign to raise funds <<< 募金
撲滅運動: bokumetsuundou: movement [crusade, campaign] against <<< 撲滅
永久運動: eikyuuundou: perpetual motion <<< 永久
全身運動: zenshinnundou: exercise of the whole body <<< 全身
署名運動: shomeiundou: signature campaign <<< 署名
住民運動: juuminnundou: citizens' initiative, action group <<< 住民
準備運動: junbiundou: tune-up, warm-up <<< 準備
浄化運動: joukaundou: cleanup movement <<< 浄化
反対運動: hantaiundou: opposition movement <<< 反対
原理運動: genriundou: Moonism <<< 原理
革新運動: kakushinnundou: renovation movement <<< 革新
国民運動: kokuminnundou: popular [national] movement [campaign] <<< 国民
解放運動: kaihouundou: liberation campaign [movement] <<< 解放
買収運動: baishuuundou: bribe campaign <<< 買収
婦人運動: hujinnundou: feminist movement, women's movement <<< 婦人
振子運動: hurikoundou: pendular movement, pendulum motion <<< 振子
ブラウン運動: buraunnundou: Brownian motion <<< ブラウン
リサイクル運動: risaikuruundou: recycling movement [campaign] <<< リサイクル
related words: スポーツ , キャンペーン


pronunciation: ensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: expedition, visit (n.)
遠征する: enseisuru: go on an expedition (to), visit (v.)
遠征軍: enseigun: expeditionary force, expedition <<<
遠征隊: enseitai <<<
遠征団: enseidan: visiting team <<<
遠征チーム: enseichiimu <<< チーム


pronunciation: enchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: extension, prolongation
延長する: enchousuru: extend, prolong
延長戦: enchousen: prolonged match, extra innings <<<
延長線: enchousen: extended line, prolongation <<<
期限を延長する: kigennoenchousuru: extend the deadline <<< 期限
期間延長: kikannenchou: extension of period <<< 期間
期間を延長する: kikannoenchousuru: extend a period <<< 期間
会期延長: kaikienchou: extension of the session <<< 会期
会期を延長する: kaikioenchousuru: extend the session <<< 会期


pronunciation: enban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: disk, disc, discus
円盤投げ: enbannnage: discus throw <<<
円盤状: enbanjou: discoid, discoidal, disk-shaped <<<
空飛ぶ円盤: soratobuenban: flying saucer, UFO (unidentified flying object)


pronunciation: ouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , politics
translation: aid (n.), assistance, support, reinforcements, cheering, rooting
応援する: ouensuru: aid (v.), assist, support, back up, reinforce, encourage, cheer, root
応援歌: ouenka: supporter song <<<
応援団: ouendan: party of rooters, cheering party <<<
応援団長: ouendanchou: cheerleader, head rooter <<< 団長
応援演説: ouennenzetsu: campaign speech <<< 演説
related words: 支援 , エール


pronunciation: ouza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , sport
translation: throne, championship
王座を占める: ouzaoshimeru: occupy the premier position, be at the top, hold the championship <<<
王座に就く: ouzanitsuku: occupy the throne <<<
王座に登る: ouzaninoboru <<<
王座を争う: ouzaoarasou: contend for the championship <<<
related words: チャンピオン

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