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Direct access: 移転 , 移動 , 入口 , 迂回 , 受取 , 運行 , 運送 , 運賃 , 運転 , 運搬


pronunciation: iten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: removal, transfer (n.)
移転する: itensuru: move (vi.), remove, transfer
移転させる: itensaseru: move (vt.), remove, transfer
移転先: itensaki: one's new address <<<
移転料: itenryou: compensation for removal <<<
移転日: itenbi: moving day <<<
移転支出: itenshishutsu: transfer payments <<< 支出
移転通知: itentsuuchi: removal notice <<< 通知
技術移転: gijutsuiten: technology transfer <<< 技術
海外移転: kaigaiiten: offshoring <<< 海外
related words: 引越 , 移動


pronunciation: idou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: movement, transfer (n.), travel (n.)
移動する: idousuru: move, transfer (vi.), travel
移動させる: idousaseru: transfer (vt.)
移動性: idouseino: mobility <<<
移動性の: idouseino: mobile
移動式: idoushiki <<<
移動棚: idoudana: mobile rack <<<
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 申告
移動証明: idoushoumei: certificate of one's removal <<< 証明
移動大使: idoutaishi: roving ambassador <<< 大使
移動範囲: idouhanni: margin of displacement <<< 範囲
移動速度: idousokudo: traverse speed <<< 速度
移動展覧会: idoutenrankai: itinerant exhibition <<< 展覧会
移動起重機: idoukijuuki: traveling crane <<< 起重機
移動診療所: idoushinryousho: traveling clinic
移動図書館: idoutoshokan: traveling library, bookmobile
民族移動: minzokuidou: migration of peoples, mass migration <<< 民族
大陸移動: tairikuidou: continental drift <<< 大陸
related words: 移転 , 移送


pronunciation: iriguchi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 入り口
keyword: house , transport
translation: entrance, in way
入口で: iriguchide: at the entrance
入口の所で: iriguchinotokorode <<<
入口を塞ぐ: iriguchiohusagu: block the entrance <<<
正面入口: shoumenniriguchi: front [main] entrance <<< 正面
synonyms: 玄関
antonyms: 出口


pronunciation: ukai
kanji characters:
keyword: transport
translation: detour, circuit
迂回する: ukaisuru: take a roundabout [circuitous] route, go round, make a detour
迂回線: ukaisen: loop (line) <<<
迂回路: ukairo: diversion, detour <<<


pronunciation: uketori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け取
keyword: accounting , transport
translation: reception, receipt, voucher
受取る: uketoru: receive, accept, get, come to hand, take, understand, believe
受取を出す: uketoriodasu: acknowledge receipt of sth. <<<
受取人: uketorinin: recipient, remittee, beneficiary <<<
受取帳: uketorichou: receipt book <<<
受取証: uketorishou: receipt, quittance <<< , レシート
受取通知: uketoritsuuchi: acknowledgment of receipt, proof of delivery <<< 通知
related words: 領収 , 受理


pronunciation: unkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , astronomy
translation: revolution, train [bus] service [operation]
運行する: unkousuru: revolve [go, move, orbit] round, operate (regularly) trains [buses]
運行表: unkouhyou: train [bus] schedule <<<
related words: 運航


pronunciation: unsou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport, transportation, conveyance, shipment
運送する: unsousuru: transport (v.), convey, carry, ship
運送業: unsougyou: express [forwarding] business, carrying trade <<<
運送業者: unsougyousha: express [forwarding] agent <<< 業者
運送会社: unsougaisha: carrier company, shipper, haulier, forwarding agency, haulage firm <<< 会社
運送店: unsouten: express [forwarding] agency <<<
運送屋: unsouya <<<
運送人: unsounin: carrier <<<
運送船: unsousen: transport ship, cargo boat <<<
運送状: unsoujou: waybill, carriage note, consignment note <<<
運送費: unsouhi: cost of transport, carriage, express charges <<< , 送料
運送料: unsouryou <<<
運送保険: unsouhoken: transport insurance <<< 保険
貨物運送: kamotsuunsou: freight transport <<< 貨物
水上運送: suijouunsou: transportation by water <<< 水上
related words: 運輸 , 輸送 , 運搬


pronunciation: unchin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: fare, freight rate
運賃表: unchinhyou: tariff, freight list <<<
運賃先払で: unchinsakibaraide: carriage [freight] forward
運賃無料: unchinmuryou: carriage free <<< 無料
貨物運賃: kamotsuunchin: freight rates <<< 貨物
旅客運賃: ryokakuunchin: fare, carfare, coach-fare, passage money <<< 旅客
鉄道運賃: tetsudouunchin: railway fares <<< 鉄道
往復運賃: ouhukuunchin: roundtrip fare <<< 往復
航空運賃: koukuuunchin: air fare <<< 航空


pronunciation: unten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: drive (n.), driving, operation, running, working
運転する: untensuru: drive (v.), run, operate, steer, move
運転手: untenshu: driver, chauffeur, cabman, motorist <<< , ドライバー
運転士: untenshi: engineer, operator, motorman <<<
運転台: untendai: driver's cabin <<<
運転席: untenseki: driver's seat <<<
運転免許: untenmenkyo: driver license <<< 免許
運転免許証: untenmenkyoshou <<<
運転休止: untenkyuushi: suspension of the service <<< 休止
運転間隔: untenkankaku: headway, interval between two trains [buses] <<< 間隔
運転系統: untenkeitou: bus [train] routes <<< 系統
運転技術: untengijutsu: driving skill <<< 技術
運転資金: untenshikin: working fund [capital] <<< 資金
運転資本: untenshihon <<< 資本
試運転: shiunten: trial run [trip], test working <<<
試運転をする: shiuntennosuru: make a trial run
煽り運転: aoriunten: provocative driving <<<
居眠運転する: inemuriuntensuru: doze (off) at the wheel, drive (a car) asleep <<< 居眠
飲酒運転: inshuunten: drunk-driving <<< 飲酒
酔払運転: yopparaiunten: drunk driving <<< 酔払
自動車を運転する: jidoushaountensuru: drive a car <<< 自動車
related words: ドライブ


pronunciation: unpan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport (n.), transportation, conveyance
運搬する: unpansuru: carry, transport (v.), convey
運搬費: unpanhi: carriage, cartage <<< , 運賃
運搬人: unpannnin: porter, carrier <<<
related words: 運送

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