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Direct access: 師匠 , 失格 , 室内 , 指定 , 死闘 , 指名 , 終了 , 主催 , 主審 , 出場


pronunciation: shishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , sport
translation: master, instructor, teacher


pronunciation: shikkaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: disqualification
失格する: shikkakusuru: be disqualified (for, from)
失格者: shikkakusha: disqualified person <<<


pronunciation: shitsunai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , sport
translation: interior (of house), inside room
室内の: shitsunaino: indoor
室内で: shitsunaide: in [inside, within] a room, indoors
室内楽: shitsunaigaku: chamber music <<<
室内靴: shitsunaigutsu: house shoe <<< , スリッパ
室内装飾: shitsunaisoushoku: interior decoration <<< 装飾
室内運動: shitsunaiundou: indoor exercise <<< 運動
室内遊戯: shitsunaiyuugi: indoor game [amusement] <<< 遊戯
室内温度: shitsunaiondo: room temperature <<< 温度
室内植物: shitsunaishokubutsu: house plant <<< 植物
室内プール: shitsunaipuuru: indoor pool <<< プール
related words: 屋内


pronunciation: shitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , travel
translation: assignment, reservation, designation
指定する: shiteisuru: assign, reserve
指定席: shiteiseki: reserved seat <<<
指定券: shiteiken: reserved ticket <<<
指定商: shiteishou: recognized merchant <<<
座席指定: zasekishitei: seat reservation <<< 座席
国宝に指定する: kokuhounishiteisuru: designate [name] as national treasure <<< 国宝


pronunciation: shitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: desperate struggle, deadly combat, mortal combat
死闘する: shitousuru: fight desperately, engage in a struggle to the death


pronunciation: shimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: designation, appointment, nomination
指名する: shimeisuru: designate, appoint, nominate
指名順に: shimeijunnni: in the order of the persons called (mentioned) <<<
指名権: shimeiken: power of appointment <<<
指名入札: shimeinyuusatsu: tender by specified bidders, private tender <<< 入札
指名手配: shimeitehai: wanted (criminal) <<< 手配
指名打者: shimeidasha: designated hitter (in baseball), DH <<< 打者


pronunciation: shuuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: end (n.), termination, closing, expiration
終了する: shuuryousuru: end (v.), terminate, finish, expire
related words: 修了 , 完了


pronunciation: shusai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , show
translation: sponsorship
主催で: shusaide: under auspices of, sponsored by
主催する: shusaisuru: sponsor (v.)
主催者: shusaisha: organizer, promoter, sponsor, impresario <<<
主催国: shusaikoku: host nation <<<
主催団体: shusaidantai: host organization <<< 団体


pronunciation: shushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: chief umpire, umpire-in-chief


pronunciation: shutsujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: participation
出場する: shutsujousuru: participate, compete, run
出場者: shutsujousha: participant, competitor <<<
出場選手: shutsujousenshu: entrant, entry <<< 選手
出場資格: shutsujoushikaku: qualification (for participation) <<< 資格

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