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Direct access: 見晴 , 土産 , 民泊 , 目当て , 名所 , 名勝 , 目的 , 矢印 , 遊覧 , 雪見


pronunciation: miharashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , nature
translation: view (of), outlook (on, over)
見晴が良い: miharashigaii: command [have] a fine view [prospect] <<<
見晴が悪い: miharashigawarui: command [have] a poor view [prospect] <<<
見晴台: miharashidai: panoramic viewpoint, belvedere <<<
related words: 展望 , パノラマ


pronunciation: miyage
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: present, gift, souvenir, swag
御土産: omiyage <<<
土産物: miyagemono <<<
土産物店: miyagemonoten: souvenir shop <<<
related words: 贈物


pronunciation: minpaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: Vacation rental


pronunciation: meate
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: guide (n.), target, aim
目当てにする: meatenisuru: target (v.), aim, count [rely] on
related words: 目的


pronunciation: meisho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: famous place, sights, place of interest
名所見物する: meishokenbutsusuru: see [do] the sights <<< 見物
名所旧跡: meishokyuuseki: noted places and historic sites
related words: 名勝


pronunciation: meishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: scenic spot
related words: 名所


pronunciation: mokuteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , grammar
translation: object, target, goal
目的の無い: mokutekinonai: aimless, purposeless <<<
目的を達する: mokutekiotassuru: attain one's object (aim), fulfill one's purpose <<<
目的地: mokutekichi: destination <<<
目的格: mokutekikaku: objective case <<<
目的語: mokutekigo: object (word) <<<
目的論: mokutekiron: teleology <<<
共通目的: kyoutsuumokuteki: common purpose <<< 共通
主要目的: shuyoumokuteki: primary purpose, principal purpose <<< 主要
間接目的: kansetsumokuteki: indirect object, dative object <<< 間接
related words: 目標


pronunciation: yajirushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: arrow (sign)


pronunciation: yuuran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: sight-seeing, excursion, pleasure trip, sight-seeing tour
遊覧する: yuuransuru: go sight-seeing, do [see] the sights (of)
遊覧客: yuurankyaku: sightseer, holiday-maker, visitor, tourist <<<
遊覧船: yuuransen: pleasure boat <<<
遊覧地: yuuranchi: tourist resort <<<
遊覧案内: yuurannannnai: guidebook <<< 案内
遊覧案内所: yuurannannnaisho: tourist bureau <<<
遊覧旅行: yuuranryokou: round trip <<< 旅行
遊覧切符: yuurankippu: excursion ticket <<< 切符
遊覧飛行: yuuranhikou: sight-seeing flight <<< 飛行
遊覧バス: yuuranbasu: sight-seeing bus, charabanc <<< バス
related words: 遠足 , 観光 , ツアー


pronunciation: yukimi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: snow viewing
雪見をする: yukimiosuru: enjoy snow-clad scenery

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