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category: JIS1
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 13
translation: drown, urine
deki, nyou
溺れる: oboreru: be drowned, drown, give oneself up to, be addicted to, indulge in
溺れる者は藁をも掴む: oborerumonohawaraomotsukamu: A drowning man will catch at a straw
溺: ibari: urine <<< 尿
Kanji words: 溺死 , 溺愛
Expressions: 酒に溺れる , 感情に溺れる , 愛欲に溺れる

category: JIS1
keyword: nature , finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: drip, drop, trickle
溜る: shitataru: drip, drop, trickle <<<
溜まる: tamaru: collect (jp., vi.), gather, form a mass, heap, accumulate, stay, stand, be in arrears, be overdue
溜める: tameru: accumulate (jp., vt.), amass, save, store, lay [set] by, put aside [by, away], hoard, collect, gather, run up [behind in one's] (bills), leave (one's work) undone, leave over (one's work) <<<
溜り: tamari: waiting room (jp.), haunt, hangout, parking lot
溜: tame: dump (jp.), tip
溜め込む: tamekomu: save [hoard] up, amass <<<
Kanji words: 日溜り , 水溜り , 溜息 , 一溜り
Expressions: 埃が溜まる , 汚水溜 , 下水溜め , 勘定を溜める , ストレスが溜まる

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 13
translation: overflow, run over, flood, full, abound
溢れる: ahureru: overflow, run over, flood, awash
溢れ出す: ahuredasu <<<
溢れ出る: ahurederu <<<
溢ちる: michiru: be full [filled], abound <<<
溢れる許りの: ahurerubakarino: overflowing, brimming <<<
Kanji words: 脳溢血
Expressions: 活力に溢れる

category: JIS1
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 14
translation: transport [carry] by ship (orig.), row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぐ: kogu: row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぎ出す: kogidasu: row [pull] out <<<
漕ぎ手: kogite: oarsman <<<
漕ぶ: hakobu: ship (v.), transport [carry] by ship
Kanji words: 阿漕
Expressions: 船を漕ぐ , 櫓で漕ぐ , 自転車を漕ぐ , ボートを漕ぐ , カヌーを漕ぐ , オールを漕ぐ

category: JIS1
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 15
translation: collapse, ruin, crush, smash, break
kai, e
潰す: tsubusu: crush, smash, break, mash, scrap, melt down, kill, butcher, waste
潰れる: tsubureru: collapse, be ruined, be crushed, be smashed, fall [be torn] to pieces, break, be worn down
潰れ易い: tsubureyasui: fragile, brittle <<<
潰える: tsuieru: collapse, be crushed down
Kanji words: 潰瘍
Expressions: 鶏を潰す , 擦り潰す , 虱を潰す , 握り潰す , 暇を潰す , 叩き潰す , 肝を潰す , 捻り潰す , 飲み潰れる , 乗り潰す , 顔が潰れる , 顔を潰す , 踏み潰す , 手間潰
related words:

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 17
translation: wet, damp, soak, drench
ju, nyu
濡れる: nureru: get [be] wet, be damp, be soaked [drenched]
濡らす: nurasu: wet (v.), moisten, soak, dip
濡れた: nureta: wet (a.), moist, damp
濡う: uruou: be moistened, get wet <<<
濡す: uruosu: moisten, wet, enrich, make rich, benefit <<<
濡い: uruoi: moisture, dampness
Kanji words: 濡衣
Expressions: 雨に濡れる , 袖を濡らす , 朝露に濡れた , 濡れ布巾

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 19
translation: edge, threaten, overhang, urge, approach, verge
瀕する: hinsuru: be on the verge [brink] of
瀕: hotori: edge (of waters) <<<
瀕る: semaru: threaten, overhang, urge <<<
瀕づく: chikaZuku: approach <<<
Kanji words: 瀕死
Expressions: 破滅に瀕する , 飢餓に瀕する , 危機に瀕する

category: JIS1
keyword: sea
Number of strokes: 23
translation: current, rapids
tan, dan
灘: se: current, rapids <<<
灘: nada: open sea (jp.) <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: soak, permeate, spread, smart, cut, pierce
沁みる: shimiru: soak (into), permeate, spread, smart, cut, pierce
Expressions: 身に沁みる
synonyms: ,

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 10
translation: mud, dye black
涅: someru: dye (black)
Kanji words: 涅槃
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