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Direct access: 短期 , 近頃 , 中期 , 中元 , 中旬 , 長期 , 月夜 , 定休 , 冬期 , 冬季


pronunciation: tanki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: short term [time]
短期の: tankino: short-dated [short-term]
短期貸付: tankikashitsuke: short-term loan <<< 貸付
短期融資: tankiyuushi: call loan <<< 融資
短期公債: tankikousai: short-term bond
短期社債: tankishasai: short-term debenture <<< 社債
短期講習: tankikoushuu: short-term course <<< 講習
短期資金: tankishikin: short-term funds <<< 資金
短期大学: tankidaigaku: junior college <<< 大学
短期手形: tankitegata: short-dated bill <<< 手形
短期取引: tankitorihiki: short-term transaction <<< 取引
antonyms: 長期


pronunciation: chikagoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: recently, lately, of late
近頃の: chikagorono: recent, present-day, modern
近頃迄: chikagoromade: till recent times, until lately [recently] <<<
synonyms: 最近


pronunciation: chuuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: middle period, midterm
related words: 前期 , 後期


pronunciation: chuugen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: midyear [bon] present [gift]
御中元: ochuugen <<<
related words: 御盆


pronunciation: chuujun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: ten days at middle of a month
related words: 上旬 , 下旬


pronunciation: chouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: long period [time, term]
長期の: choukino: long-dated, long-term (a.)
長期に亘る: choukiniwataru: extend over a long period [time], secular <<<
長期戦: choukisen: prolonged [long, drawn-out] war <<<
長期貸付: choukikashitsuke: long-term loan <<< 貸付
長期計画: choukikeikaku: long-range plan <<< 計画
長期欠勤: choukikekkin: chronic absence from work <<< 欠勤
長期欠席: choukikesseki: long absence from school <<< 欠席
長期興行: choukikougyou: long run (of a play) <<< 興行
長期資金: choukishikin: long-term funds <<< 資金
長期信用: choukishinnyou: long-term credit <<< 信用
長期社債: choukishasai: long-term debenture <<< 社債
長期滞在: choukitaizai: long [prolonged] stay <<< 滞在
長期手形: choukitagata: long-dated [long-term] bill <<< 手形
長期取引: choukitorihiki: long-term transaction <<< 取引
長期予報: choukiyohou: long-range forecast <<< 予報
antonyms: 短期


pronunciation: tsukiyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: moonlight [moonlit] night


pronunciation: teikyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: regular holiday, shop holiday
定休日: teikyuubi <<<


pronunciation: touki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , school
translation: winter period
冬期休暇: toukikyuuka: winter vacation, Christmas holidays <<< 休暇
synonyms: 冬季
antonyms: 夏期


pronunciation: touki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: winter season
冬季オリンピック: toukiorinpikku: Winter Olympics <<< オリンピック
synonyms: 冬期
antonyms: 夏季

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