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Direct access: 連絡 , 忘れ物


pronunciation: renraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , communication
translation: connection, junction, communication, contact
連絡する: renrakusuru: connect, join, communicate, reach, contact (v.)
連絡の有る: renrakunoaru: connected <<<
連絡の無い: renrakunonai: unconnected <<<
連絡を付ける: renrakuotsukeru: establish a connection with <<<
連絡を保つ: renrakuotamotsu: keep in touch <<<
連絡を絶つ: renrakuotatsu: cut off communications with <<<
連絡を失う: renrakuoushinau: lose contact with <<<
連絡駅: renrakueki: junction station <<<
連絡線: renrakusen: connecting line <<<
連絡船: renrakusen: ferry boat <<<
連絡係: renrakugakari: liaison man <<<
連絡先: renrakusaki: contact address <<<
連絡将校: renrakushoukou: liaison officer <<< 将校
連絡切符: renrakukippu: through [transfer] ticket <<< 切符
連絡事務所: renrakujimusho: liaison office


pronunciation: wasuremono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: thing left behind
忘れ物をする: wasuremonoosuru: leave a thing (in a car, train, taxi etc.), forget to bring
忘れ物係: wasuremonogakari: lost-property office, lost-and-found office <<<

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