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category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: palm, manage, administer
掌: tanagokoro: palm
掌を指す様に: tanagokoroosasuyouni: (know something) like the palm of one's hand
掌る: tsukasadoru: administer, take charge of, be head of, rule, manage, direct, preside over <<<
Kanji words: 車掌 , 仙人掌

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: praise, admire, honor, glory, credit, fame
誉れ: homare: honor, glory, credit, fame
誉める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire
誉めそやす: homesoyasu: speak very highly of, praise [extol] (a person) to the skies
誉めちぎる: homechigiru
誉めるに足る: homerunitaru: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable <<<
誉む可き: homubeki <<<
誉: nori, takashi: pers.
Kanji words: 栄誉 , 名誉

category: common usage
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 15
translation: brighten, glow, shine, sparkle, twinkle, glitter, burn
輝く: kagayaku
輝かす: kagayakasu: light up, brighten
輝かしい: kagayakashii: shining, bright, glorious
輝き: kagayaki: radiance, brightness, brilliancy, sheen
輝き渡る: kagayakiwataru: shine all around <<<
Kanji words: 光輝 , 輝度
Expressions: 光り輝く , 栄光に輝く
synonyms: 耀
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 6
translation: sharp, pointed, peaked, point, tip, nib
尖る: togaru: become [get] sharp [pointed]
尖った: togatta: sharp, pointed, peaked
尖った鼻: togattahana: hawk nose <<<
尖った頭: togattaatama: peaked head <<<
尖: saki: point, tip, nib <<<
尖い: surudoi: sharp, pointed <<<
Kanji words: 尖塔
Expressions: 唇を尖らす , 先の尖った


category: JIS1
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 18
translation: brighten, glow, shine
耀く: kagayaku: shine, glitter, gleam, brighten, light up <<<
耀る: hikaru: shine (v.), be bright, glitter, glare, flash, gleam, be brilliant, glimmer, twinkle, sparkle <<<
耀る: teru: shine (vi.), be fine (jp.) <<<
耀: akira: pers.

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