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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: direct, shake, brandish
揮う: huruu: shake, brandish, exercise, wield, use, be spirited <<<
Kanji words: 揮発 , 発揮 , 指揮
Expressions: 腕を揮う , 権力を揮う , 勢力を揮う , 手腕を揮う , 威力を揮う

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: harm, hurt, damage, lose
損: son: loss, disadvantage, damage
損する: sonsuru: lose, suffer a loss, be [come off] a loser (by), be at a disadvantage
損な: sonnna: unprofitable, losing, disadvantageous, unfavorable
損なう: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, maim
損じる: sonjiru
損ねる: sokoneru
損る: heru: decrease (vi.), diminish, lessen, run short <<<
Kanji words: 損切 , 損耗 , 損失 , 毀損 , 損害 , 破損 , 損傷 , 含み損
Expressions: 打ち損なう , 成り損なう , 株で損する , 出損なう , 受け損う , 外観を損なう , 威厳を損なう , 評価損 , 機嫌を損じる

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 16
translation: grip, fidelity, handle (ext.), conduct, drive
操る: toru: grip, take firmly <<< ,
操: misao: chastity, fidelity, faith
操: omomuki: appearance, look <<<
操る: ayatsuru: handle (jp.), manage, operate, steer
Kanji words: 操作 , 貞操 , 節操 , 操舵 , 操縦 , 操業 , 体操 , 操車
Expressions: 櫓を操る , 陰で操る

category: common usage
keyword: accounting , hygiene
Number of strokes: 5
translation: brush, wipe, mop
払う: harau: brush, wipe, clear [sweep] away, pay (jp.), repay
払: harai: payment (jp.)
払い込む: haraikomu: pay (money), pay in, pay up <<<
払い込み: haraikomi: payment, subscription <<<
払い下げる: haraisageru: sell, dispose of <<<
払い下げ: haraisage: sale, disposal <<<
払い過ぎる: haraisugiru: overpay <<<
払い過ぎ: haraisugi: overpayment <<<
払い戻す: haraimodosu: pay back, repay, refund (v.) <<<
払い戻し: haraimodoshi: repayment, refund (n.) <<<
払う: nuguu: wipe, mop, scarp away <<<
Kanji words: 酔払 , 支払 , 前払 , 咳払い , 払拭
Expressions: 振り払う , 打ち払う , 売り払う , 枝を払う , 金を払う , 付けを払う , 塵を払う , 埃を払う , 煤を払う , 鞘を払う , 切り払う , 円で払う , 吹き払う , 追い払う , 魔を払う , 概算払い , 門前払い , 犠牲を払う , 一覧払い , 前金で払う , 頭金を払う , 敬意を払う , 料金を払う , 分割払い , 分割払いする , 晦日払 , 勘定を払う , 小切手で払う , 家賃を払う , 代金を払う , 給料を払う , 厄介払いをする , 一括払い , 現物で払う , 現金で払う , 現金払い , 悪魔払い , 悪魔を払う , 邪気を払う , 賃金を払う , 一時払い , 手間を払う , 礼金を払う , キャッシュで払う

category: common usage
keyword: business , sport
Number of strokes: 6
translation: pay, supply, purvey, deliver
kyuu, sou
扱く: koku: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: kokiorosu: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast <<<
扱き使う: kokitsukau: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: atsukau: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: atsukai: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: atsukaiyasui: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: atsukainikui: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: osameru: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: shigoku: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: shigoki: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing
Expressions: 他人扱いする , 丁寧に扱う , 専門に扱う , 子供扱いにする , 寛大に扱う , 乱暴に扱う , 特別扱いする

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: help, assist, aid, support
hu, ho
扶ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support
Kanji words: 扶養

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: uproot, extract, remove
抜く: nuku: pull [draw] out, extract, uncork, unscrew, draw, remove, omit, leave out, select, quote, outstrip, outrun, get ahead of (a person), excel [surpass] (a person in), pierce, shoot through
抜かす: nukasu: omit, leave [miss] out, skip, have the imprudence [the cheek] to say, talk crap
抜ける: nukeru: come [fall] out [off], be left out, be omitted [missing, wanting], be gone, get rid of, get over, go [pass] through, leave, withdraw (from)
抜かり: nukari: slip, blunder, oversight
抜かりが無い: nukariganai: have all one's wits about one, be wide awake <<<
抜かり無く: nukarinaku: cautiously, shrewdly, without fail <<<
抜きにする: nukinisuru: leave out, omit, do [go] without (a thing)
抜き出す: nukidasu: pull [draw] out, extract, pick [single] out, select <<<
抜き取る: nukitoru: pull [draw] out, extract, remove, pilfer <<< ,
抜きん出る: nukinderu: excel [surpass] (a person in), stand out above (others), cut a prominent figure (among, in) <<<
抜きん出た: nukindeta: eminent, distinguished <<<
抜け出す: nukedasu: steal [slip] out of, get [break] loose, come out <<<
抜け抜けと: nukenuketo: shamelessly, impudently
抜け目無い: nukemenai: shrewd, sharp, smart, careful, cautious, tactful, canny <<< 注意
抜け目無く: nukemenaku: shrewdly, smartly, cautiously
抜かる: nukaru: commit a blunder, make a slip
抜かるな: nukaruna: Look sharp
Kanji words: 間抜け , 吹抜 , 染抜 , 抜粋 , 税抜 , 抜穴 , 抜道 , 奇抜 , 抜擢 , 海抜
Expressions: 擦り抜ける , 打ち抜く , 魂の抜けた , 底が抜ける , 底を抜く , 毛が抜ける , 毛を抜く , 味が抜ける , 刀を抜く , 力が抜ける , 気が抜ける , 剣を抜く , 腰を抜かす , 生き抜く , 釘を抜く , 籍を抜く , 鏡を抜く , 疲れが抜ける , 遣り抜く , 勝ち抜く , 染みを抜く , 染め抜く , 通り抜ける , 出し抜く , 出し抜けに , 色を抜く , 歯が抜ける , 眉毛を抜く , 太刀を抜く , 拍子抜けする , 色気抜きの , 空気を抜く , 牛蒡抜き , 牛蒡抜きにする , 指輪を抜く , 御世辞抜きで , 冗談抜きにして , 引出を抜く , シャンパンを抜く , コルクを抜く , コルク抜き , カフェイン抜きの

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: stifle, suppress, repress, retrain, quell
抑える: osaeru: suppress (the rebellion), put down, repress, restrain, check, control, quell
抑: somosomo: anyway (stifle the speech), in the first place, to begin with
Kanji words: 抑圧 , 抑制
Expressions: 笑いを抑える , 涙を抑える , 怒りを抑える , 感情を抑える , 性欲を抑える , 情欲を抑える

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, defend (bor.), protect, ward off, resist, stand against
抗げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist <<<
抗たる: ataru: face, confront, stand against <<<
抗ぐ: husegu: defend (against), protect (from, against), ward off, resist, stand against, keep away (off, out), hold in check, prevent <<<
Kanji words: 抗議 , 抗菌 , 対抗 , 抗生物質 , 抗原 , 反抗 , 抗戦 , 抗体 , 抵抗
Expressions: 石炭抗

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: select, choose
択ぶ: erabu: select, choose, pick [single] out
Kanji words: 選択

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