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Direct access: 投入 , 特攻 , 突進 , 突破 , 突撃 , 突入 , 動員 , 同盟 , 内戦 , 内乱


pronunciation: tounyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: throwing, investment, insertion
投入する: tounyuusuru: throw into, invest, send, insert


pronunciation: tokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: suicide [suicidal] mission [attack]
特攻機: tokkouki: suicide aircraft <<<
特攻隊: tokkoutai: special attack corps, suicide squad, kamikaze <<<
related words: 神風


pronunciation: tosshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: rush (n.), dash, charge
突進する: tosshinsuru: rush (at), dash (at), charge (at), hurtle
related words: 突撃


pronunciation: toppa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: breakthrough, penetration
突破する: toppasuru: break through, penetrate
難関を突破する: nankannotoppasuru: tide over a difficulty <<< 難関


pronunciation: totsugeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: rash, charge, dash
突撃する: totsugekisuru: rush [dash] (at), charge (at, on)
突撃隊: totsugekitai: storming party <<<
突撃ラッパ: totsugekirappa: sound of charge <<< ラッパ
related words: 攻撃 , 突進


pronunciation: totsunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: inrush
突入する: totsunyuusuru: rush [dash, run] into


pronunciation: douin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: mobilization
動員する: douinsuru: mobilize
動員解除: douinkaijo: demobilization <<< 解除
動員解除する: douinkaijosuru: demobilize
動員令: douinrei: mobilization orders <<<
動員令を下す: douinreiokudasu: issue mobilization orders <<<


pronunciation: doumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , war
translation: alliance, league
同盟する: doumeisuru: form [go into] an alliance [union], be allied [leagued]
同盟して: doumeishite: in alliance with
同盟国: doumeikoku: allied country [power] <<<
同盟軍: doumeigun: allied army <<< , 友軍
同盟条約: doumeijouyaku: treaty of alliance <<< 条約
同盟罷業: doumeihigyou: strike
同盟休校: doumeikyuukou: school strike
軍事同盟: gunjidoumei: military alliance <<< 軍事
防御同盟: bougyodoumei: defensive alliance <<< 防御
防衛同盟: boueidoumei: defense pact <<< 防衛
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 関税
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 三国


pronunciation: naisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: civil war
スーダン内戦: suudannnaisen: Sudanese Civil War <<< スーダン


pronunciation: nairan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: internal disturbances [troubles], civil war, rebellion
内乱を起こす: nairannookosu: raise a rebellion <<<
内乱を鎮める: nairannoshizumeru: suppress a rebellion <<<
related words: 内戦 , 反乱

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