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category: to learn in school
keyword: amusement
Number of strokes: 10
translation: amuse, entertain
俳: wazaogi: artist (anc.)
Kanji words: 俳優 , 俳句

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: distribute
俵: tawara: straw bag (jp.)

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: imitate, copy, mimic, follow
hou, bou
倣う: narau: imitate, copy, mimic, follow a person's example, follow suits
に倣って: ninaratte: in imitation of, after the fashion of
Kanji words: 模倣
Expressions: 右に倣え , 伝統に倣う
synonyms: 真似

category: to learn in school
keyword: mathematics
Number of strokes: 10
translation: betray, increase (bor.), double (v.), multiply
倍: bai: double (n.)
倍の: baino: double (a.), twice, twofold
倍にする: bainisuru
倍に成る: baininaru: double (vi.) <<<
倍く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<<
倍す: masu: increase, double (v.), multiply <<<
Kanji words: 二倍 , 倍増

category: to learn in school
keyword: accounting
Number of strokes: 10
translation: price, value, worth, tariff
値: ne
値の高い: nenotakai: high-priced, dear, expensive, costly <<<
値の張る: nenoharu <<<
値が張る: negaharu: cost much, be expensive <<<
値の安い: nenoyasui: low-priced, inexpensive, cheap <<<
値の張らない: nenoharanai <<<
値が上がる: negaagaru: rise in price <<< , 値上
値が下がる: negaagaru: fall in price <<< , 値下
値を付ける: neotsukeru: price (v.), bid [name] a price (for), set a price (on), appraise <<<
値を決める: neokimeru <<<
値切る: negiru: haggle over, bargain <<<
値: atai: price, value (n.), worth
値う: au: value (v.), worth <<<
Kanji words: 始値 , 値動き , 値引 , 指値 , 価値 , 値上 , 値下 , 値段 , 半値 , 底値 , 高値 , 上値 , 下値 , 終値 , 値頃 , 掛値 , 値打
Expressions: 尊敬に値する , 注目に値する , 落札値 , 仕入値 , 馬鹿値 , 実効値 , 極限値 , 絶対値 , 補正値 , 平均値 , 称賛に値する , コレステロール値 , カロリー値 , ダウ値

category: to learn in school
keyword: accounting
Number of strokes: 10
translation: borrow, loan, debt
shaku, sha
借りる: kariru: borrow
借り: kari: loan, debt, liabilities <<< ローン
借りが有る: karigaaru: be in debt (to a person for something), owe (a person something) <<<
借りを作る: kariotsukuru: run into debt <<<
借りを拵える: kariokoshiraeru <<<
借りを返す: kariokaesu: pay back [off] a debt <<<
借い: tatoi: even if (one borrows an idea) <<<
Kanji words: 借家 , 借金 , 拝借 , 借地 , 間借 , 借用
Expressions: 助けを借りて , 人手を借りる , 賃貸借 , 知恵を借りる , 部屋を借りる

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: consult, welcome, attend, assist
候う: ukagau: consult, hear <<<
候う: saburou: attend, assist
候つ: matsu: receive sb., welcome <<<
候: sourou: expression of politeness (anc.)
Kanji words: 兆候 , 候補 , 気候 , 症候 , 居候 , 天候 , 時候 , 斥候

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 11
translation: stop, halt, stay, take a rest
tei, chou
停まる: todomaru: stop (vi.), halt, stay <<< ,
停める: tomeru: stop (vt.) <<< ,
Kanji words: 停止 , 停留所 , 停電 , 調停 , 停滞 , 停車 , 停泊
Expressions: バス停

category: to learn in school
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 11
translation: health, strong
健やか: sukoyaka: healthy, sound, wholesome
健やかに育つ: sukoyakanisodatsu: grow up in good health <<<
健し: takeshi: strong <<<
健か: shitataka: difficult (jp.), hard, tenacious <<<
健: take, kiyo, taru: pers.
Kanji words: 健闘 , 健全 , 保健 , 強健 , 健康

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 11
translation: incline (org.), side, face
soku, shoku
側: katawara: side <<<
側: soba: side, neighborhood
側に: sobani: by the side of, at a person's side, beside, near, around, in the neighborhood (of)
側に寄る: sobaniyoru: come [draw] near (to) <<<
側てる: sobadateru: prick up one's ear (incline the head)
側か: honoka: faint, dim <<<
側: kawa, gawa: side, row, (watch) case
Kanji words: 外側 , 内側 , 裏側 , 側面 , 側近 , 縁側 , 両側 , 片側
Expressions: 政府側の , 賛成側 , 此方側に , 反対側 , 攻撃側
synonyms: , サイド

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