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Direct access: 後見 , 公証 , 公正 , 高等 , 告知 , 合法 , 視察 , 召喚 , 承知 , 商法


pronunciation: kouken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: guardianship, custody, wardship, tutelage
後見する: koukensuru: tutor (v.), guard, act as a guardian
後見人: koukennnin: guardian, custodian, ward, tutor <<<


pronunciation: koushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: authentication
公証する: koushousuru: attest, authenticate
公証料: koushouryou: notary fee <<<
公証人: koushounin: notary (public) <<<
公証人役場: koushouninnyakuba: notary office <<< 役場
公証役場: koushouyakuba
公証人の: koushouninnno: notarial <<<


pronunciation: kousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: impartiality, fairness, justice
公正な: kouseina: impartial, just, fair
公正な処置: kouseinashochi: fair and impartial measure <<< 処置
公正に: kouseini: impartially, justly, fairly
公正価格: kouseikakaku: fair price <<< 価格
公正証書: kouseishousho: notarial deed <<< 証書
公正取引: kouseitorihiki: fair trade <<< 取引
公正取引委員会: kouseitorihikiiinkai: fair trade commission


pronunciation: koutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , law
translation: high (n.), height, high level
高等の: koutouno: high (a.), advanced
高等科: koutouka: advance course <<<
高等教育: koutoukyouiku: high education <<< 教育
高等学校: koutougakkou: (senior) high school <<< 学校
高等動物: koutoudoubutsu: higher animal <<< 動物
高等裁判所: koutousaibansho: high court <<< 裁判所
高等弁務官: koutoubenmukan: high commissioner


pronunciation: kokuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: notice, information
告知する: kokuchisuru: notify, inform
告知書: kokuchisho: written notice <<<
告知板: kokuchiban: bulletin board, billboard, notice board <<<
related words: 告示


pronunciation: gouhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: lawfulness, legality
合法な: gouhouna: lawful, legal, legitimate
合法的: gouhouteki <<<
合法的に: gouhoutekini: lawfully, legally, legitimately
合法化: gouhouka: legalization <<<
合法化する: gouhoukasuru: legalize
合法と認める: gouhoutomitomeru: legitimize <<<
antonyms: 違法


pronunciation: shisatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , travel
translation: inspection, visitation
視察する: shisatsusuru: inspect
視察員: shisatsuin: inspector <<<
視察団: shisatsudan: inspecting party <<<
視察旅行: shisatsuryokou: inspection tour, observation trip <<< 旅行
海外視察: kaigaishisatsu: tour of inspection abroad <<< 海外


pronunciation: shoukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: summons
召喚する: shoukansuru: summon, arraign, convene, haul
召喚状: shoukanjou: summons, warrant, subpoena <<<
証人召喚: shouninshoukan: witness summons <<< 証人


pronunciation: shouchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: consent, agreement, compliance, knowledge
承知する: shouchisuru: consent, agree (to), comply with (a person's request), know, be aware [conscious] of, understand, permit, allow, forgive
承知させる: shouchisaseru: persuade [prevail upon] a person (to do)
承知の上で: shouchinouede: advisedly, with full knowledge of the facts <<<
百も承知: hyakumoshouchi: be well aware of [that] <<<
synonyms: 同意 , 了承 , 存知


pronunciation: shouhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: commercial code (law)

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