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category: common usage
keyword: physics
Number of strokes: 10
translation: stone, pit, nucleus
核: kaku: kernel, core, nucleus, stone, pit
核の: kakuno: nuclear
核の傘: kakunokasa: nuclear umbrella <<<
核: tane: stone, pit <<<
核: sane
Kanji words: 結核 , 中核 , 核酸 , 核心
Expressions: 核物質 , 核融合 , 核開発 , 核燃料 , 核家族 , 核戦争 , 原子核 , 細胞核 , 核保有 , 核爆発 , 核問題 , 核分裂 , 核兵器 , 核ミサイル , 核シェルター , 核エネルギー

category: common usage
keyword: fruit
Number of strokes: 10
translation: peach
桃: momo
桃の木: momonoki: peach tree <<<
桃の花: momonohana: peach blossom <<<
Kanji words: 扁桃腺 , 白桃 , 夾竹桃 , 胡桃 , 桃色
Expressions: 桃太郎 , 桃の季節

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 10
translation: viaduct, shelf, quay, wharf
san, zen
桟: kakehashi: viaduct, suspension bridge <<< 掛橋
桟: tana: shelf <<<
Kanji words: 桟橋 , 桟敷

category: common usage
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 10
translation: stopper, plug, faucet, cork, stopcock, bung, tap
栓: sen: stopper, plug, faucet, cork, stopcock, bung, tap
栓をする: sennosuru: cork (v.), stop with a cork, plug, bung
栓を開ける: sennoakeru: open the stopcock <<<
栓を閉める: sennoshimeru: close the stopcock <<<
栓の木: sennnoki: paulownia <<<
Kanji words: 血栓
Expressions: 水道栓 , 給水栓 , 消火栓 , 防火栓 , コルク栓

category: common usage
keyword: game
Number of strokes: 12
translation: game of go, chess
ki, gi
棋: go: game of go <<<
棋: shougi: chess <<< 将棋 , チェス
Kanji words: 将棋

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 12
translation: ridge (of a roof), most important (ext.), height (fig.), peak
棟: mune: ridge (of a roof)
Kanji words: 棟上

category: common usage
keyword: furniture
Number of strokes: 12
translation: shelf
棚: tana: shelf, rack, cupboard, trellis, ledge, hob
棚に上げる: tananiageru: put (a thing) on a shelf <<<
棚に載せる: tananinoseru <<<
棚上げする: tanaagesuru: shelve [table] (a bill), pigeonhole, suspend <<<
棚引く: tanabiku: trail, hang [lie] over <<<
Kanji words: 戸棚 , 神棚 , 本棚 , 棚卸
Expressions: 整理棚 , 移動棚 , 大陸棚 , 棚から牡丹餅 , 陳列棚 , 食器棚

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 12
translation: coffin, casket, pall
棺: hitsugi
棺に納める: hitsuginiosameru, kannniosameru: lay in a coffin <<<
Kanji words: 石棺 , 棺桶

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 13
translation: building, tower
楼: takadono: tower
Kanji words: 摩天楼 , 蜃気楼

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: squeegee, in general (bor.), almost
概: tokaki: stick to flatten a measure, squeegee
概ね: oomune: in general, roughly, almost <<< 大体
概: omomuki: look, appearance, state <<<
Kanji words: 概算 , 概況 , 一概 , 概略 , 概念 , 概要

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