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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: pride, haughty
ko, ka
誇り: hokori: pride
誇る: hokoru: be proud (of), take pride (in), be haughty
誇りに思う: hokoriniomou: be proud (of), take pride (in) <<<
誇りとする: hokoritosuru
誇りを傷つける: hokoriokizutsukeru: hurt a person's pride <<<
誇り高き: hokoritakaki: glorious, proud <<< , 栄光
誇らしい: hokorashii: proud, boastful, triumphant
誇らしげに: hokorashigeni: proudly, boastfully, triumphantly
Kanji words: 誇大 , 誇示 , 誇張
Expressions: 咲き誇る , 勝ち誇る , 勝ち誇って
synonyms: プライド
related words: 自慢

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: detailed, particular, minute
shou, you
詳しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed (in) <<<
詳しく: kuwashiku: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
詳かな: tsumabirakana: detailed, particular, minute <<<
詳かに: tsumabirakani: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
Kanji words: 詳細

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: hold concurrently, combine, all
gai, kai
該ねる: kaneru: hold [have] concurrently [in addition], combine, unite, serve as well <<<
該の: sono: this, that <<<
Kanji words: 該当

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰る: najiru: rebuke, accuse, decry
詰める: tsumeru: fill (jp.), pack, squeeze
詰む: tsumu: checkmate (v., jp.)
詰まる: tsumaru: be stopped up (jp.), be short of
詰る所: tsumarutokoro: in the final analysis <<<
詰め: tsume: packaging, the end game (jp.), checkmate (n.)
詰め替える: tsumekaeru: repack, refill, rebottle <<<
詰め掛ける: tsumekakeru: throng, crowd, press forward, besieg <<<
詰め込む: tsumekomu: stuff (v.), pack, jam, crown (people) into, press (in, into) <<<
詰め寄る: tsumeyoru: press (hard) upon, draw close (to), edge up (to) <<<
詰り: tsumari: in the end (jp.), finally, in conclusion <<< 結局
詰らない: tsumaranai: trifling, trivial, insignificant, petty, valueless, goo-for-nothing, commonplace, dull, flat, uninteresting, insipid
詰らない物: tsumaranaimono: a trifle <<<
詰らない事: tsumaranaikoto: matter of no importance [consequence], trifling affair, trifle, triviality <<<
詰らない事を言う: tsumaranaikotooiu: talk nonsense [rot], say silly things
詰らない奴: tsumaranaiyatsu: poor [worthless, insignificant] fellow, bore, nobody <<<
詰らなそうに: tsumaranasouni: with a bored look, disappointedly, incuriously
詰らなく: tsumaranaku: idly, uselessly, cheerlessly
Kanji words: 缶詰 , 瓶詰 , 腸詰 , 詰合せ
Expressions: 上り詰める , 煮詰まる , 煮詰める , 突き詰める , 思い詰める , 袋に詰める , 瓶に詰める , 問い詰める , 樽詰めの , 樽詰めにする , 藁を詰める , 列を詰める , 切り詰める , 追い詰める , 通い詰める , 見詰める , 鼻が詰る , 切羽詰まる , 間隔を詰める , 隙間に詰める , 弾丸を詰める , 根気を詰める , 弁当を詰める , パイプが詰まる

category: common usage
other spells: 說
keyword: science
Number of strokes: 14
translation: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, glad (conf.), pleased
setsu, zei, etsu
説: setsu: opinion, view, doctrine, theory, talk, rumor
説く: toku: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, illustrate, advise (a person to do), persuade (a person to do, a person into doing), urge (a person to do), preach, teach
説ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased <<<
Kanji words: 俗説 , 小説 , 解説 , 社説 , 説得 , 演説 , 異説 , 逆説 , 伝説 , 説明
Expressions: 口説く , 分子説 , 波動説 , 道理を説く , 星雲説 , 大陸移動説 , 快楽説 , 限界効用説

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 14
translation: invite, ask, tempt
誘う: sasou
誘き出す: obikidasu: decoy [lure] (a person) out, entice away <<<
誘き入れる: obikiireru: decoy [lure] (a person) in [into] <<<
誘き寄せる: obikiyoseru: lure (a person) to, attract <<<
Kanji words: 誘拐 , 誘惑 , 勧誘 , 誘導
Expressions: 涙を誘う

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: consent, assent, comply, accept, acquiesce, answer, respond, reply
諾う: ubenau: consent [assent] (to), give one's consent [assent], comply with, accept, acquiesce
諾える: kotaeru: answer, respond, reply <<<
Kanji words: 承諾

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: meet
謁える: mamieru: be matched, meet, have an interview (with)
謁: nahuda: name plate, name card

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: request, ask, beg
sei, shin, jou
請う: kou: ask (a person to do), beg (a person to do), request (a person to do), entreat, appeal, solicit, sue for
請い: koi: request (n.), one's wishes
請ける: ukeru: receive, accept (jp.) <<<
請け合う: ukeau: guarantee, assure, vouch [answer] for, undertake, take upon oneself <<<
請け負う: ukeou: contract (for, to do), undertake <<<
請け出す: ukedasu <<<
Kanji words: 要請 , 請願 , 請求 , 申請 , 下請
Expressions: 許しを請う , 恵みを請う , 憐れみを請う , 許可を請う , 慈悲を請う

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 16
translation: plan, plot, deceive, stratagem
bou, mu
謀る: hakaru, tabakaru: plan (v.), attempt, strive for, plot, deceive
謀: hakarigoto: stratagem, plot (n.), trick, plan, scheme
謀り: tabakari
Kanji words: 首謀者 , 無謀 , 参謀 , 陰謀 , 謀叛
Expressions: 暗殺を謀る

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