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category: to learn in school
keyword: fish
Number of strokes: 14
translation: fishing
gyo, ryou
漁る: asaru: fish (v.), look [search, hunt] for
漁をする: ryouosuru
漁に行く: ryouniiku: go fishing <<<
漁が多い: ryougaooi: have [make] a good catch <<<
漁る: sunadoru: fish (v.)
Kanji words: 密漁 , 漁場 , 漁師 , 漁業
Expressions: 買い漁る , 蜜を漁る , 漁船団 , 近海漁 , 安物を漁る
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: moral
Number of strokes: 15
translation: courageous, manly
潔い: isagiyoi: pure, upright, manly
潔く: isagiyoku: manfully, frankly, with a good grace
Kanji words: 清潔 , 簡潔 , 純潔

category: to learn in school
keyword: sea
Number of strokes: 15
translation: tide, maritime current
潮: shio
潮が差す: shiogasasu: flow (v.), be on the flow <<<
潮が満ちる: shiogamichiru <<<
潮が引く: shiogahiku: ebb (v.), be on the ebb <<<
潮が変わる: shiogakawaru: The tide turns [is one the turn] <<<
潮を吹く: shioohuku: spout water <<<
潮: ushio: tide, dish seasoned only with salt (jp.)
Kanji words: 潮風 , 満潮 , 干潮 , 引潮 , 風潮 , 潮時
related words:

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 16
translation: violent, vehement, furious, intense, severe
激しい: hageshii: violent, vehement, furious, intense, severe, acrimonious
激しく: hageshiku: violently, furiously, desperately
激しさ: hageshisa: violence, vehemence, intensity, force
激ます: hagemasu: encourage, cheer up <<<
Kanji words: 激突 , 激化 , 激動 , 刺激 , 感激 , 激励 , 過激 , 激怒 , 激戦
Expressions: 気性の激しい , 変動が激しい

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 5
translation: juice, sap, soup, broth
juu, shuu
汁: shiru
汁の多い: shirunoooi: juicy, succulent <<<
Kanji words: 出汁 , 肉汁
Expressions: 味噌汁 , レモン汁
synonyms: スープ , ジュース

category: common usage
keyword: environment , hygiene
Number of strokes: 6
translation: dirt, filth, soil, contamination, dirty, pollute, dishonor, spot
o, wa
汚す: yogosu: dirty (vt.), soil, stain
汚れ: yogore: dirt, filth, soil, contamination
汚れ物: yogoremono: dirty [soiled] things, washing, laundry <<<
汚れを取る: yogoreotoru: take out a stain (from) <<<
汚れる: yogoreru: dirty (vi.)
汚れた: yogoreta: dirty (a.)
汚れっぽい: yogoreppoi: easily soiled, liable to be soiled
汚れ易い: yogoreyasui <<<
汚れる: kegareru: be polluted, be dishonored, sully
汚す: kegasu: dishonor
汚れ: kegare: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame <<<
汚れの無い: kegarenonai: stainless, taintless, clean, pure, innocent <<<
汚い: kitanai: dirty (a.), filthy, unclean, soiled, shabby, nasty, indecent, obscene, mean, base, unfair, foul, stingy, niggardly
汚くする: kitanakusuru: stain, soil, make dirty
Kanji words: 汚名 , 汚水 , 汚点 , 汚職 , 汚染 , 汚物
Expressions: 薄汚い , 名を汚す , 口汚い , 貞操を汚す , 名誉を汚す , 神聖を汚す , 意地の汚い , 言葉汚く

category: common usage
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 6
translation: sweat, perspire
汗: ase: sweat (n.), perspiration
汗を掻く: aseokaku: sweat (v.), perspire <<<
汗を掻いている: aseokaiteiru: be in a sweat, be perspiring <<<
汗ばむ: asebamu: sweat lightly
汗ばんだ: asebanda: lightly sweaty
汗塗れの: asemamireno: covered [drenched] with perspiration, soaked with sweat <<<
汗だくの: asedakuno
汗を拭く: aseohuku: wipe the perspiration (from) <<<
汗臭い: asekusai: smell of sweat <<<
汗の染み: asenoshimi: sweat stain <<<
Kanji words: 汗腺 , 冷汗
Expressions: 玉の汗
synonyms: スウェット

category: common usage
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 6
translation: river
江: e: inlet (jp.), bay
Kanji words: 近江 , 松江 , 入江 , 江戸
Expressions: 黒竜江
related words: ,

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 7
translation: dive, plunge, sink, submerge
chin, jin, shin
沈む: shizumu: dive (vi.), plunge, sink, go to the bottom, go down, set, be downcast, be dejected, feel depressed
沈める: shizumeru: plunge (vt.), sink, send (a ship) to the bottom, submerge
沈んだ: shizunda: dejected, dispirited, melancholy, somber, quiet
Kanji words: 沈没 , 沈殿 , 沈黙
Expressions: 月が沈む , 悲しみに沈む , 憂いに沈む , 水底に沈む , 船首から沈む , 太陽が沈む , マットに沈める

category: common usage
other spells: 澤
keyword: nature
Number of strokes: 7
translation: swamp, marsh, brilliancy (conf.)
沢: sawa: swamp, marsh
沢う: uruou: get wet, be enriched <<<
沢: tsuya: brilliancy <<<
Kanji words: 沢庵 , 沢山 , 贅沢 , 金沢 , 光沢

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