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Direct access: 系図 , 系統 , 啓蒙 , 家来 , 激動 , 源氏 , 高貴 , 考古学 , 皇后 , 皇室


pronunciation: keizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , history
translation: stem, family tree, genealogy
祖先の系図: sosennnokeizu: genealogy, ancestor chart, family tree, pedigree <<< 祖先
related words: 血統 , 家系


pronunciation: keitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , history , family
translation: system, organism, family tree, genealogy, lineage, party, group
系統的: keitouteki: systematic, organic, methodic <<<
系統を引く: keitouohiku: be descended from, be inherited <<<
系統を立てる: keitouotateru: systemize <<<
系統を辿る: keitouotadoru: go back to the source <<< 辿
系統発生: keitouhassei: phylogeny <<< 発生
血管系統: kekkankeitou: vascular system <<< 血管
指揮系統: shikikeitou: chain of command <<< 指揮
運転系統: untenkeitou: bus [train] routes <<< 運転
伝染系統: densenkeitou: trace of an epidemic <<< 伝染
related words: 系図 , 血統


pronunciation: keimou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , literature
translation: enlightenment, education
啓蒙する: keimousuru: enlighten, educate, illuminate
啓蒙的: keimouteki: instructive, educational, illuminating <<<
啓蒙時代: keimoujidai: Age of Enlightenment <<< 時代
啓蒙思想: keimoushisou: Enlightenment philosophy <<< 思想
啓蒙文学: keimoubungaku: Enlightenment literature <<< 文学
啓蒙運動: keimouundou: Enlightenment movement <<< 運動
啓蒙君主: keimoukunshu: enlightened monarch <<< 君主
related words: 教化


pronunciation: kerai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: retainer, follower, servant, one's man, vassal
家来に成る: keraininaru: enter the service of a person., become a vassal of a person [a country] <<<
related words: 子分


pronunciation: gekidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , history
translation: violent shock, strong excitement, agitation
激動する: gekidousuru: shake violently, be excited [agitated]
激動期: gekidouki: turbulent age <<<
激動の時代: gekidounojidai <<< 時代
related words: 革命


pronunciation: genji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , japan
translation: Minamoto clan
源氏物語: genjimonogatari: Tale of Genji <<< 物語
related words:


pronunciation: kouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: nobleness, sublimity
高貴な: koukina: noble, highborn, sublime
高貴の生まれ: koukinoumare: of noble birth [blood] <<<
related words: 貴族


pronunciation: koukogaku
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: history
translation: archeology
考古学の: koukogakuno: archeological
考古学者: koukogakusha: archeologist <<<


pronunciation: kougou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: empress, queen
皇后陛下: kougouheika: Her Majesty the Empress <<< 陛下
マチルダ皇后: machirudakougou: Empress Matilda <<< マチルダ
related words: 皇帝


pronunciation: koushitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , history
translation: imperial house
皇室費: koushitsuhi: imperial household expenses, allowances <<<
皇室財産: koushitsuzaisan: imperial estate <<< 財産
皇室典範: koushitsutenpan: imperial house law

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