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category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 7
translation: dive, plunge, sink, drown, die, pass away, decease
botsu, mochi
没む: shizumu: dive (vi.), plunge, sink, go to the bottom, go down, set (the sun), be downcast, be rejected, feel depressed, droop
没れる: oboreru: be drowned, drown <<<
没ぬ: shinu: die, pass away, decease <<<
Kanji words: 沈没 , 日没 , 戦没 , 没頭 , 没落 , 没収
Expressions: 水底に没する

category: common usage
keyword: sea
Number of strokes: 7
translation: gush, spring, flow, grow, breed
沖く: waku: gush [spring, flow] out, grow, breed <<<
沖: oki: offing (jp.), offshore, open sea
沖に: okini: in the offing, offshore (adj.), out at sea
Kanji words: 沖縄
Expressions: 三陸沖

category: common usage
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 8
translation: boil, seethe
沸く: waku: boil, seethe (over), be excited, roar with laughter
沸かす: wakasu: boil (water)
Kanji words: 湯沸 , 沸騰
Expressions: 湯を沸かす , 血を沸かす

category: common usage
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 8
translation: mud, mire, dirt
泥: doro: mud, mire, dirt
泥だらけの: dorodarakeno: covered with mud, muddy
泥塗れの: doromamireno <<<
泥に塗れる: doronimamireru: be covered with mud, get muddy <<<
泥塗れに成る: doromamireninaru
泥を吐く: doroohaku: confess one's crime, own up <<<
Kanji words: 泥濘 , 泥酔 , 泥沼 , 泥棒

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: look (n.), appearance, still more (bor.)
況や: iwannya: much [still] more, much [still] less
況: omomuki: look (n.), appearance, state <<<
Kanji words: 景況 , 概況 , 不況 , 近況 , 盛況 , 情況

category: common usage
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 8
translation: stay, put up, lodge, anchorage (ext.), berth
泊まる: tomaru: stay [stop] (at a hotel), put up (at a hotel), lodge (v.)
泊める: tomeru: lodge (a person), put (a person) up
泊り: tomari: putting up, stopping, staying, anchorage, berth
Kanji words: 宿泊 , 民泊 , 外泊 , 停泊
Expressions: 旅館に泊まる , ホテルに泊まる

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: run, stream
hi, hitsu
泌む: nijimu: spread (jp.), blot <<<
Kanji words: 分泌

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: bubble, foam, froth, lather
泡: awa, abuku: bubble (n.), foam, froth, lather
泡を吹く: awaohuku: foam (v.), froth, bubble <<<
泡が立つ: awagatatsu <<<
泡の立つ: awanotatsu: foamy, frothy <<<
泡: utakata: transience
Kanji words: 発泡 , 水泡
Expressions: 石鹸泡 , 石鹸の泡

category: common usage
keyword: nature
Number of strokes: 9
translation: cave, cavern
dou, tou
洞: hora: cave, cavern
洞い: hukai: deep, profound <<<
洞らか: hogaraka: merry <<<
Kanji words: 空洞 , 洞察 , 洞窟 , 洞穴
Expressions: 石灰洞

category: common usage
keyword: hygiene
Number of strokes: 9
translation: clean, clear, pure
jou, sei
浄い: kiyoi
Kanji words: 清浄 , 洗浄 , 浄化 , 浄土

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