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category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 13
translation: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach
腹: hara: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach, heart, mind, intention, courage
腹く: idaku: hold, entertain, cherish, harbor, bear <<< ,
腹が痛む: haragaitamu: have a stomachache <<<
腹が痛まない: haragaitamanai: have nothing to lose <<<
腹が減る: haragaheru: feel [get] hungry <<<
腹が空く: haragasuku <<<
腹の空いた: haranosuita: hungry <<<
腹が張る: haragaharu: feel heavy in the stomach <<<
腹が下る: haragakudaru: have lose bowels <<< , 下痢
腹が立つ: haragatatsu: get [be] angry (with a person, at a matter), lose one's temper, become enraged [indignant] (at), be offended <<<
腹立たしい: haradatashii: provoking, irritating, exasperating <<<
腹の据わった: haranosuwatta: (man) with plenty of guts <<<
腹の大きい: haranoookii: broad-minded, generous <<<
腹の中は: haranonakaha: at heart, at bottom <<<
腹を決める: haraokimeru: make up one's mind (to do) <<<
腹を括る: haraokukuru <<<
腹を読む: haraoyomu: read a person's mind <<<
腹を探る: haraosaguru <<<
腹を割って話す: haraowattehanasu: have a heart-to-heart talk (with a person), speak out
腹黒い: haraguroi: wicked, crafty, scheming <<<
腹熟しに: haragonashini: to help [aid] digestion <<<
腹違いの: harachigaino: born of a different mother, half-blooded <<<
Kanji words: 腹痛 , 空腹 , 満腹 , 腹案 , 切腹 , 御腹 , 腹部
Expressions: 指の腹 , 太鼓腹 , ビール腹
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 13
translation: solve, untie, undo, unfasten, cut, separate
kai, ge
解せない: gesenai: incomprehensible, inexplicable
解く: toku: untie, loosen, unfasten, undo (a bundle, a parcel), unravel, unpack, solve, answer, work out, disarm, raise (a siege), life [remove] (a ban), dismiss, discharge, relieve, release, dispel [remove, clear up] (a doubt), comb, melt down
解かす: tokasu
解ける: tokeru: be cleared, come loose, melt, dissolve <<<
解る: satoru: realize, become aware of <<<
解かる: wakaru: understand, comprehend, solve, work out <<< ,
解れ: hotsure: fray
解れる: hotsureru: be frayed, fray, stray, become lose
解れ毛: hotsurege: loose [tousled] hair <<<
Kanji words: 解禁 , 解決 , 解凍 , 解答 , 解釈 , 解析 , 分解 , 解離 , 解読 , 解毒 , 溶解 , 見解 , 解散 , 解除 , 解説 , 熔解 , 解剖 , 図解 , 了解 , 正解 , 解約 , 注解 , 電解 , 弁解 , 解体 , 解消 , 難解 , 和解 , 理解 , 誤解 , 解雇 , 解放
Expressions: 囲みを解く , 味が解る , 守りを解く , 纜を解く , 雪が解ける , 髪を解く , 謎を解く , 職を解かれる , 紐を解く , 縄を解く , 打ち解ける , 列を解く , 縺れを解く , 包みを解く , 帯を解く , 武装を解く , 疑惑を解く , 封印を解く , 警備を解く , 荷造を解く , 禁止を解く , 緊張を解す , 英語解りますか , 風流を解せぬ , 一目で解る , 日本語解りますか , 呪文を解く , 包囲を解く , 艫綱を解く , 包帯を解く , 誤解を解く , 方程式を解く , 契約を解く , 暗号を解く , 封鎖を解く , ネクタイを解く , ユーモアを解する

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: harm, hurt, damage, lose
損: son: loss, disadvantage, damage
損する: sonsuru: lose, suffer a loss, be [come off] a loser (by), be at a disadvantage
損な: sonnna: unprofitable, losing, disadvantageous, unfavorable
損なう: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, maim
損じる: sonjiru
損ねる: sokoneru
損る: heru: decrease (vi.), diminish, lessen, run short <<<
Kanji words: 損切 , 損耗 , 損失 , 毀損 , 損害 , 破損 , 損傷 , 含み損
Expressions: 成り損なう , 株で損する , 打ち損なう , 出損なう , 受け損う , 外観を損なう , 威厳を損なう , 評価損 , 機嫌を損じる

category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 13
translation: group, throng, crowd
群れ: mure: group (n.), throng, crowd, multitude, party, mob, gang, herd, flock, pack, drove, bevy, swarm, cloud, shoal, school
群れを成す: mureonasu: make [form] groups <<<
群れを成して: mureonashite: in crowds [flocks, swarms] <<<
群れる: mureru: group (v.), throng, crowd
群がる: muragaru
Kanji words: 群島 , 群集 , 群青 , 群馬 , 群衆
Expressions: 蜂の群 , 羊の群れ , 牛の群れ , 山賊の群れ , 症状群 , 症候群 , 家畜の群れ , 流星群 , 盗賊の群れ

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 13
translation: continue, last
zoku, shoku
続き: tsuZuki: continuation, sequel, range, row
続く: tsuZuku: continue (vi.), go on, last, succeed, follow, lead to, adjoin, ensue (from)
続ける: tsuZukeru: continue (vt.), go [keep] on, carry on
続いて: tsuZuite: continuously, successively, in succession
続けて: tsuZukete: continuously, continually, without interruption
Kanji words: 続行 , 継続 , 相続 , 接続 , 連続 , 続伸 , 続落 , 断続 , 持続 , 手続 , 後続
Expressions: 体が続かない , 立て続けに , 日照り続き , 災難続き , 不幸続き , 取引を続ける , 晴天続き

category: to learn in school
keyword: optics
Number of strokes: 13
translation: shine
照る: teru: shine (vi.), be fine (jp.)
照らす: terasu: shine on [upon], throw [shed] light on, light up, illuminate, compare (a thing) with (another), collate, check
照らし合わせる: terashiawaseru: collate, check <<<
Kanji words: 日照り , 照明 , 対照 , 照焼 , 照会 , 参照 , 照度
Expressions: 降っても照っても , 法規に照らして

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 13
translation: speak, tell, say, talk, chat, converse, conversation
wa, kai
話: hanashi: conversation, speech
話す: hanasu: speak, talk, converse (v.)
話せる: hanaseru: able to speak, sensible
話る: kataru: narrate <<<
話が合う: hanashigaau: have topics of common interest <<<
話し合う: hanashiau: talk with (a person) about (a matter), discuss (a matter) with (a person), consult with (a person) about [on] (a matter) <<<
話をする: hanashiosuru: talk (about), have a talk (with), speak (with), tell a story [tale], give an account of
話が付く: hanashigatsuku: come to [arrive at] an understanding [agreement] (with) <<<
話を付ける: hanashiotsukeru: arrange [fix up] (a matter with a person), settle (a matter) <<<
話の種: hanashinotane: topic (for conversation), subject of talk <<<
話は違うが: hanashiwachigauga: by the way <<<
話変わって: hanashikawatte: meanwhile, on the other hand <<<
話を逸らす: hanashiosorasu: divert the conversation <<<
話に出る: hanashinideru: come up for discussion <<<
話に成らない: hanashininaranai: be out of the question <<<
話の腰を折る: hanashinokoshiooru: interrupt a person, spoil a story
Kanji words: 手話 , 話題 , 談話 , 民話 , 会話 , 世話 , 逸話 , 童話 , 電話 , 神話 , 実話
Expressions: 美しい話 , 嘘の様な話 , 早い話が , 変な話だが , 話が前後する , 身の上話をする , 世間話 , 可笑しな話だが , 流暢に話す , 話の合間に , 楽屋話 , 話相手 , 正直な話 , 英語を話す , 英語で話す , 英語話せますか , 馬鹿話 , 懺悔話 , 電話で話す , 内緒話 , 内緒話をする , 立入った話ですが , 日本語話します , 日本語話せます , 日本語話せません , 日本語話しますか , 自慢話 , 大袈裟な話 , 早口で話す , 率直に話す , 話言葉

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: hate, detest, dislike, doubt
ken, gen
嫌う: kirau: hate, detest, dislike
嫌い: kirai: dislike (of, for), distaste (for), abhorrence, aversion (to, for), antipathy (to), hatred, touch, tinge
嫌いな: kiraina: disagreeable, disgusting, hateful
嫌: iya: refusal
嫌な: iyana, yana: disagreeable, hateful, unwilling, reluctant
嫌な臭: iyananioi, yananioi: nasty [offensive] smell <<< , 悪臭
嫌な奴: iyanayatsu, yanayatsu: odious [disgusting] fellow <<<
嫌な顔をする: iyanakaoosuru, yanakaoosuru: make a (wry) face, look displeased <<<
嫌に: iyani, yani: strangely, awfully, terribly, provokingly
嫌に成る: iyaninaru, yaninaru: get tired [sick] of, grow weary of, become disgusted (with) <<<
嫌がる: iyagaru, yagaru: dislike, hate, be unwilling [reluctant] (to do)
嫌がらせ: iyagarase: offense, disagreeable [spiteful] thing
嫌がらせを言う: iyagaraseoiu: say a disagreeable [spiteful] thing (to) <<<
嫌う: utagau: doubt, have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of) <<<
Kanji words: 嫌味 , 嫌気 , 機嫌
Expressions: 所嫌わず , 負けず嫌い , 外人嫌い , 人間嫌い , 貴方嫌い , 信心嫌い

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 13
translation: smooth, glassy, slide, skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
katsu, kotsu
滑り: suberi: sliding, slide (n.), skating, skid
滑りが良い: suberigaii, suberigayoi: slide well <<<
滑りが悪い: suberigawarui: do not slide well <<<
滑る: suberu: slide (v.), skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
滑り落ちる: suberiochiru: slide down <<<
滑り易すい: suberiyasui: slippery <<<
滑らかな: namerakana: smooth (a.), glassy
滑らかに: namerakani: fluently, smoothly
滑らかにする: namerakanisuru: smooth (v.), make smooth
滑れる: midareru: be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion] <<<
Kanji words: 滑り台 , 滑車 , 滑子 , 滑稽 , 滑走 , 滑降 , 潤滑
Expressions: 舌を滑らす , 滑車輪 , スロープを滑る
synonyms: スリップ
related words: スライド

category: common usage
keyword: history
Number of strokes: 13
translation: destroy, perish, ruin
滅入る: meiru: feel gloomy [blue], be depressed [dispirited] <<<
滅ぼす: horobosu: destroy, ruin (vt.)
滅びる: horobiru: perish, be destroyed, die (fig.), ruin (vi.)
Kanji words: 破滅 , 幻滅 , 絶滅 , 全滅 , 不滅 , 殲滅 , 摩滅 , 滅亡 , 滅茶 , 支離滅裂 , 滅多 , 撲滅 , 消滅 , 自滅 , 壊滅 , 鬼滅 , 点滅
Expressions: 身を滅ぼす

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