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Direct access: 耐震 , 建前 , 建物 , 建屋 , 大工 , 段差 , 段々 , 断面 , 地下 , 地中


pronunciation: taishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: earthquake-proofing
耐震の: taishinnno: earthquake-proof
耐震家屋: taishinkaoku: earthquake-proof building <<< 家屋
耐震建築: taishinkenchiku <<< 建築
related words: 地震


pronunciation: tatemae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: (ceremony of) the erection of the house frame, principal, policy
建前とする: tatemaetosuru: make it one's principal (to do)


pronunciation: tatemono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: building, structure, edifice
建物会社: tatemonogaisha: building company <<< 会社
related words: 建築


pronunciation: tateya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: industrial building
related words: 建物


pronunciation: daiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: carpenter, joiner
大工仕事: daikushigoto: carpentry <<< 仕事
大工道具: daikudougu: carpenter's tools <<< 道具
大工の棟梁: daikunotouryou: master carpenter
日曜大工: nichiyoudaiku: Sunday carpenter (carpentering), amateur carpenter <<< 日曜


pronunciation: dansa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: difference in level


pronunciation: dandan
kanji characters:
other spells: 段段
keyword: construction
translation: steps (plur.), terraces
段々と: dandanto: gradually, by degrees, hit by hit, little by little, step by step, increasingly
段々の: dandannno: terraced, in ters
段々畑: dandanbatake: terraced field <<<
related words: 階段


pronunciation: danmen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: section
断面の: danmennno: sectional
断面図: danmenzu: sectional plan <<<
縦断面: juudanmen: vertical cut <<<
横断面: oudanmen: horizontal cut <<<


pronunciation: chika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: underground (n.)
地下の: chikano: subterranean, underground (a.)
地下に潜る: chikanimoguru: go underground <<<
地下に埋める: chikaniumeru: bury underground <<<
地下道: chikadou: subway, underpass <<<
地下水: chikasui: subterranean [underground] water <<<
地下鉄: chikatetsu: subway, metro, underground, tube <<<
地下室: chikashitsu: basement, underground (room) <<<
地下街: chikagai: underground center <<<
地下茎: chikakei: subterranean stem <<<
地下資源: chikashigen: underground resources <<< 資源
地下活動: chikakatsudou: secret activity <<< 活動
地下組織: chikasoshiki: secret organization <<< 組織
related words: 地中 , 地底


pronunciation: chichuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: underground (n.)
地中の: chichuuno: underground (a.)
地中に: chichuuni: under the ground, in the earth
地中の宝: chichuunotakara: buried [underground] treasures <<<
地中に埋める: chichuuniumeru: bury <<<
related words: 地下 , 地底

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