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Direct access: 挫折 , 私的 , 終焉 , 習慣 , 終身 , 出産 , 出生 , 生涯 , 少女 , 消息


pronunciation: zasetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: frustration, discouragement
挫折する: zasetsusuru: be frustrated, collapse, break down, fall through, be discouraged, be disheartened
挫折させる: zasetsusaseru: frustrate, discourage, foil (v.)
挫折感: zasetsukan: feelings of frustration <<<
related words: 失敗


pronunciation: shiteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: private (matters), restriction
私的な: shitekina: private, restricted, personal
私的生活: shitekiseikatsu: private life <<< 生活
related words: 個人


pronunciation: shuuen
kanji characters:
keyword: life
translation: death
終焉の地: shuuennnochi: place of a person's death <<<
終焉の際に: shuuennnokiwani: at death <<<
related words:


pronunciation: shuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: habit, custom, practice
習慣が有る: shuukangaaru: have a habit of, be used to, be accustomed to <<<
習慣から: shuukankara: by habit
習慣を付ける: shuukannotsukeru: fall [get] into the habit of <<<
習慣を止める: shuukannoyameru: break off [give up] a habit <<<
習慣的: shuukanteki: habitual, customary, usual <<<
習慣的に: shuukantekini: habitually, customarily
習慣に従う: shuukannnishitagau: follow the customs <<<
食習慣: shokushuukan: eating [dietary] habits <<<
長年の習慣: neganennnoshuukan: old habit <<< 長年
風俗習慣: huuzokushuukan: manners and customs <<< 風俗
synonyms: 習性 , 慣習
related words: 常習


pronunciation: shuushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: all one's life, lifetime
終身の: shuushinnno: for life
終身刑: shuushinkei: life sentence, life imprisonment <<<
終身懲役: shuushinchoueki <<< 懲役
終身雇用: shuushinkoyou: lifetime employment <<< 雇用
終身会員: shuushinkaiin: life member <<< 会員
終身保険: shuushinhoken: straight (whole) life insurance <<< 保険
終身年金: shuushinnnenkin: life annuity (pension) <<< 年金


pronunciation: shussan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , life
translation: childbirth, delivery, maternity
出産する: shussansuru: deliver, give birth
出産祝い: shussanniwai: (gift in) celebration of a birth <<<
出産届: shussantodoke: report of a birth <<<
出産率: shussanritsu: birthrate, natality rate <<<
出産制限: shussanseigen: birth control <<< 制限
出産休暇: shussankyuuka: maternity leave <<< 休暇
出産予定日: shussanyoteibi: term
代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 代理
synonyms: 出生
related words: 分娩


pronunciation: shusshou, shussei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: birth, arrival
出生する: shusshousuru: bear, arrive
出生率: shusshouritsu: birth rate <<<
出生地: shusshouchi: birth place <<<
出生届: shusseitodoke: notification of birth <<<
出生証書: shusseishousho: birth certificate <<< 証書
related words: 出産 , 誕生


pronunciation: shougai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: life, career, lifetime, for life, throughout (all) one's life, so long as one lives, to the end of one's life
生涯の: shougaino: lifelong
生涯を通じて: shougaiotsuujite: throughout his life, for as long as he lived [lives], all one's life <<<
生涯の友: shougainotomo: lifelong [lifetime] friend <<<
生涯の仕事: shougainoshigoto: (one's) lifework <<< 仕事
生涯学習: shougaigakushuu: lifelong learning [study] <<< 学習
生涯教育: shougaikyouiku: lifelong education <<< 教育


pronunciation: shoujo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , life
translation: girl, young girl
少女の様な: shoujonoyouna: girlish <<<
少女らしい: shoujorashii
少女小説: shoujoshousetsu: story of girls <<< 小説
少女時代: shoujojidai: girlhood <<< 時代
少女歌劇: shoujokageki: girls' opera
美少女: bishoujo: pretty girl <<<
不良少女: huryoushoujo: delinquent girl <<< 不良
可憐な少女: karennnashoujo: pretty girl <<< 可憐
related words: , 少年


pronunciation: shousoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: news, information of someone
消息が有る: shousokugaaru: hear from <<<
消息が無い: shousokuganai: hear nothing from <<<
消息を尋ねる: jousokuotazuneru: ask after someone <<<
消息に通じる: shousokunitsuujiru: be well informed of, be familiar with, be in the know of <<<
消息通: jousokutsuu: insider
消息筋: shousokusuji: well-informed circles (quarters, sources) <<<
消息文: shousokubun: personal (private) letter <<<

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