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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Direct access: 拿捕 , 直航 , 停泊 , 転覆 , 灯台 , 艫綱 , 難破 , 排水 , 波止場 , 帆船


pronunciation: daho
kanji characters:
keyword: ship
translation: capture (n.), seizure
拿捕する: dahosuru: capture (v.), seize


pronunciation: chokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , airplane
translation: direct sail
直航する: chokkousuru: sail directly (for), make a nonstop flight (to)
直航船: chokkousen: direct steamer (for) <<<
直航路: chokkouro: direct line <<<
直航便: chokkoubin: nonstop flight (for) <<< 便
related words: 直行


pronunciation: teihaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: anchoring, anchorage, mooring
停泊する: teihakusuru: anchor, cast anchor
停泊地: teihakuchi: anchorage, moorage, berth <<<
停泊所: teihakusho <<<
停泊港: teihakukou: anchorage, harbor <<<
停泊税: teihakuzei: anchorage dues [duty] <<<
停泊料: teihakuryou <<<
synonyms: 寄港


pronunciation: tenpuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , politics
translation: overthrow (n.), subversion, downfall, capsize
転覆する: tenpukusuru: be overthrown, be upset, capsize (vi.)
転覆させる: tenpukusaseru: overthrow, upset, subvert, capsize (vt.)


pronunciation: toudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: lighthouse
灯台下暗し: toudaimotokurashi: The beacon does not shine on its own base, The darkest place is under the candlestick
灯台守: toudaimori: light-house keeper <<<
灯台船: toudaisen: lightship <<<
アレクサンドリアの灯台: arekusandorianotoudai: Lighthouse of Alexandria <<< アレクサンドリア


pronunciation: tomoZuna
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: hawser, mooring line
艫綱を解く: tomoZunaotoku: weigh anchor, unmoor <<<


pronunciation: nanpa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , disaster
translation: shipwreck
難破する: nanpasuru: be wrecked, be shipwreck
難破船: nanpasen: wrecked ship <<<
難破信号: nanpashingou: signal of distress, SOS <<< 信号
synonyms: 遭難


pronunciation: haisui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship , town
translation: drainage, draining
排水する: haisuisuru: drain, pump out the water, bail
排水が良い: haisuigaii: drain well <<<
排水が悪い: haisuigawarui: do not drain well <<<
排水管: haisuikan: drainpipe <<<
排水口: haisuikou: an overflow, drain hole, scupper <<<
排水孔: haisuikou <<<
排水溝: haisuikou: drainage ditch <<<
排水量: haisuiryou: displacement (tonnage) <<<
排水工事: haisuikouji: drainage works <<< 工事
排水ポンプ: haisuiponpu: drainage [drain] pump <<< ポンプ
農業排水: nougyouhaisui: agricultural water waste <<< 農業
related words: 下水


pronunciation: hatoba
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: ship
translation: wharf, pier, quay
波止場渡し: hatobawatashi: delivered ex quay <<<
synonyms: 桟橋 , 岸壁


pronunciation: hansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: sailing vessel [ship], sailboat
related words: ヨット

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