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Direct access: 中毒 , 腸炎 , 痛風 , 癲癇 , 凍傷 , 糖尿病 , 鳥目 , 難聴 , 難病 , 乳癌


pronunciation: chuudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: poisoning, addiction
中毒する: chuudokusuru: be [get] poisoned
中毒性: chuudokusei: poisonous <<<
中毒死: chuudokushi: death from poisoning <<<
中毒症: chuudokushou: toxicosis <<<
中毒患者: chuudokukanja: poisoned patient <<< 患者
中毒症候: chuudokushoukou: symptom of poisoning <<< 症候
燐中毒: rinchuudoku: phosphorous poisoning, phosphorism <<<
鉛中毒: namarichuudoku: lead poisoning <<<
食中毒: shokuchuudoku: food poisoning <<<
腐敗中毒: huhaichuudoku: septic poisoning <<< 腐敗
阿片中毒: ahenchuudoku: opium poisoning, opiumism <<< 阿片
麻薬中毒: mayakuchuudoku: narcotic (addiction) <<< 麻薬
水銀中毒: suiginchuudoku: mercury poisoning <<< 水銀
薬品中毒: yakuhinchuudoku: drug intoxication <<< 薬品
砒素中毒: hisochuudoku: arsenic poisoning <<< 砒素
集団中毒: shuudanchuudoku: mass food poisoning <<< 集団
サルモネラ中毒: sarumonerachuudoku: salmonella poisoning <<< サルモネラ
ニコチン中毒: nikochinchuudoku: nicotinism <<< ニコチン
カフェイン中毒: kafeinchuudoku: caffeine intoxication <<< カフェイン
ガス中毒: gasuchuudoku: gas poisoning <<< ガス
アルコール中毒: arukooruchuudoku: alcoholism, alcoholic (person) <<< アルコール
モルヒネ中毒: moruhinechuudoku: morphinism <<< モルヒネ
ゲーム中毒: geemuchuudoku: game addiction <<< ゲーム


pronunciation: chouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: enteritis
腸炎菌: chouenkin: Bacillus enteritidis <<<
腸炎ビブリオ: chouenbiburio: vibrio parahaemolyticus
related words: サルモネラ


pronunciation: tsuuhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: gout
痛風に罹る: tsuuhuunikakaru: be affected with [have an attack of] gout <<<
痛風に苦しむ: tsuuhuunikurushimu: suffer from gout <<<
痛風患者: tsuuhuukanja: gouty (n.) <<< 患者


pronunciation: tenkan
keyword: disease
translation: epilepsy
癲癇性の: tenkanseino: epileptic (a.) <<<
癲癇持ち: tenkanmochi: epileptic (n.) <<<
癲癇を起こす: tenkannookosu: have an epileptic fit <<<


pronunciation: toushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: frostbite, chilblains
凍傷に罹る: toushounikakaru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains <<<
related words: 霜焼


pronunciation: tounyoubyou
kanji characters: , 尿 ,
keyword: disease
translation: diabetes
糖尿病の: tounyoubyouno: diabetic (a.)
糖尿病患者: tounyoubyoukanja: diabetic (n.) <<< 患者
related words: 糖分


pronunciation: torime
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: night-blindness, nyctalopia, bird's eye
鳥目の: torimeno: night-blind


pronunciation: nanchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: hardness of hearing
難聴の: nanchouno: hard of hearing
related words: 聾唖


pronunciation: nanbyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: incurable [serious, fatal] disease
related words: 重病


pronunciation: nyuugan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: breast [mammary] cancer

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