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Direct access: 懲戒 , 調書 , 調停 , 勅令 , 定款 , 適用 , 当事者 , 特許 , 特権 , 同意


pronunciation: choukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: disciplinary actions, punishment
懲戒する: choukaisuru: discipline (v.), reprimand
懲戒処分: choukaishobun: disciplinary measures <<< 処分
懲戒免職: choukaimenshoku: disciplinary dismissal <<< 免職


pronunciation: chousho
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: law
translation: protocol, record
調書を取る: choushootoru: put (a deposition) on record <<<
調書を作る: choushootsukuru <<<
尋問調書: jinmonchousho: interrogatory (protocol) <<< 尋問


pronunciation: choutei
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: law
translation: arbitration, conciliation, mediation, intervention
調停する: chouteisuru: arbitrate (in, between), mediate (between), reconcile, intervene
調停に付する: chouteinihusuru: submit (a matter) to arbitration <<<
調停の労を執る: chouteinorouotoru: take the trouble of mediating
調停案: chouteian: mediation plan, arbitration proposal <<<
調停者: chouteisha: arbitrator, mediator <<<
任意調停: ninnichoutei: voluntary arbitration [meditation] <<< 任意


pronunciation: chokurei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , history
translation: imperial ordinance, edict
ナントの勅令: nantonochokurei: Edict of Nantes <<< ナント


pronunciation: teikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: articles of association [incorporation]


pronunciation: tekiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: application
適用する: tekiyousuru: apply (a rule to)
適用しうる: tekiyoushiuru: applicable
適用を誤る: tekiyouoayamaru: misapply <<<
適用出来ない: tekiyoudekinai: inapplicable <<< 出来


pronunciation: toujisha
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: law
translation: the person [party] concerned, privy
訴訟当事者: soshoutoujisha: parties (to a lawsuit), litigants <<< 訴訟


pronunciation: tokkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , law
translation: patent
特許を得る: tokkyooeru: obtain (get) a patent <<<
特許を与える: tokkyooataeru: grant a patent <<<
特許局: tokkyokyoku: patent office <<<
特許庁: tokkyochou <<<
特許状: tokkyojou: diploma, charter, patent <<<
特許品: tokkyohin: patent, patented article <<<
特許料: tokkyoryou: patent fee <<<
特許法: tokkyohou: patent law <<<
特許権: tokkyoken: patent right <<<
特許を申請する: tokkyooshinseisuru: apply for a patent <<< 申請


pronunciation: tokken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: privilege (n.), special rights, prerogative, immunity, liberties
特権を予える: tokkennoataeru: privilege (a person to do), give (a person) the privilege (of) <<<
特権階級: tokkenkaikyuu: privileged classes <<< 階級
議員特権: giintokken: parliamentary immunity <<< 議員
外交特権: gaikoutokken: diplomatic privilege [immunity] <<< 外交


pronunciation: doui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: consent, approval, assent
同意する: douisuru: consent, assent, approve, agree
同意を得る: douioeru: obtain consent [assent, approval] <<<
不同意: hudoui: disagreement, dissent, objection <<< , 異議
不同意する: hudouisuru: disagree (with a person, with a proposal), object to
related words: 承認 , 了承 , 承知

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