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category: common usage
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 13
translation: carry, bring, participate
携える: tazusaeru: carry (a thing), take (a thing with one), bring [take] (a person with one), be accompanied (by a person)
携えて: tazusaete: (go, come) with ( a person, a thing)
携わる: tazusawaru: take part in, participate in
Kanji words: 連携 , 提携 , 携帯

category: common usage
other spells: 攝
keyword: administration
Number of strokes: 13
translation: govern, manage, rule, reign
setsu, shou
摂る: toru: direct, lead, manage, administer <<<
摂める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage <<<
摂ねる: kaneru: hold (another office) <<<
摂: kanu, kane: pers.
Kanji words: 摂氏 , 摂理 , 摂政 , 摂取 , 摂生

category: common usage
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 14
translation: gather, collect
teki, chaku, taku
摘まむ: tsumamu: pinch (v.), pick, take a pinch of
摘まみ: tsumami: pinch (n.), knob, side dish (jp.)
摘み出す: tsumamidasu: pick out, drag out, turn [thrust] out, throw out <<<
摘み洗いする: tsumamiaraisuru: wash a (spoiled) part of <<<
摘み食いする: tsumamiguisuru: eat when no one is about <<<
摘む: tsumu: gather (vi.), cull
摘く: abaku: expose, disclose, reveal <<< ,
摘う: hirou: pick up <<<
Kanji words: 指摘
Expressions: 掻い摘まむ , 芽を摘む , 鼻を摘む , 双葉のうちに摘む , 葡萄を摘む

category: common usage
keyword: movie
Number of strokes: 15
translation: take, pick, pinch
撮る: toru: take, photograph (v., jp.), film
撮む: tsumamu: pinch (vt.), pick, take a pinch of <<<
撮み: tsumami: knob, pinch (n.) <<<
Kanji words: 隠し撮 , 撮影 , 盗撮
Expressions: 自分撮り

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 15
translation: beat, fight, strike, hit
boku, haku
撲つ: utsu: beat, strike, hit <<<
撲: sumou: sumo (jp.) <<< 相撲
Kanji words: 打撲 , 撲滅 , 相撲

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: strip, abandon, give up, renounce
撤く: hiraku: open (v.), uncover, unlock, empty <<<
撤てる: suteru: throw [cast, fling] away, dump, abandon, give up, forsake, desert, drop, leave <<< ,
Kanji words: 撤収 , 撤兵 , 撤退 , 撤回

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 16
translation: hide (org.), entertain, cherish, defend, guard, protect, escort
擁する: yousuru: have, possess, command, lead, back up
擁く: idaku: hold, entertain, cherish, harbor, bear <<< ,
擁る: mamoru: defend, guard, protect, escort <<< ,
Kanji words: 擁護 , 抱擁

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 17
translation: rub, chafe, stroke, pat, scratch, scrape, graze
擦る: suru: rub (vt.), file, frost, strike, lose (jp.) <<<
擦れる: sureru: rub (vi.), wear, be worn (out), lose one's modesty [naïveté] (jp.)
擦り込む: surikomu: rub in <<<
擦り付ける: suritsukeru: rub against <<<
擦り潰す: suritsubusu: grind down (into powder), mash, rub (a thing) out of shape, deface <<<
擦り抜ける: surinukeru: brush past <<<
擦り減らす: suriherasu: wear down [away] <<<
擦り剥く: surimuku: gaze, abrade, chafe, bark <<<
擦り寄る: suriyoru: edge [side] up (to), nestle (close to a person) <<<
擦る: sasuru: rub (vt.), chafe, stroke, pat
擦る: kasuru: scratch, scrape, graze <<<
擦る: kosuru: rub, scrub, scour, chafe, brush
Kanji words: 摩擦 , 阿婆擦
Expressions: 軽石で擦る , 束子で擦る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 17
translation: imitate, guess, suppose
擬える: nazoraeru: model (A after B), compare [liken] (A to B)
擬る: hakaru: guess, suppose
Kanji words: 雁擬き , 模擬

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: mix, mingle, blend, dress (pho.), attire
扮る: mazeru: mix, mingle, blend <<< ,
扮: idetachi: dress, attire

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