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Direct access: 四季 , 七月 , 下期 , 週間 , 終日 , 秋分 , 週末 , 春分 , 将来 , 初夏


pronunciation: shiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , nature
translation: four seasons
四季を通じて: shikiotsuujite: at (through) all seasons, all the year round, throughout the year <<<
related words: 季節


pronunciation: shichigatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 7月
keyword: calendar
translation: July


pronunciation: shimoki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: second half of the (fiscal) year
antonyms: 上期


pronunciation: shuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: a week (period)
一週間: isshuukan: one week <<<
幾週間も: ikushuukanmo: for weeks <<<
読書週間: dokushoshuukan: book week <<< 読書


pronunciation: shuujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: all day long, from morning till night, throughout the day
終日終夜: shuujitsushuuya: day and night


pronunciation: shuubun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: autumnal equinox
秋分の日: shuubunnnohi: Autumnal Equinox Day <<<
related words: 彼岸 , 春分


pronunciation: shuumatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: weekend
週末に: shuumatsuni: at the weekend
週末旅行: shuumatsuryokou: weekend trip <<< 旅行
週末旅行者: shuumatsuryokousha: weekender <<<
良い週末を: yoishuumatsuo: Have a good weekend! <<<
antonyms: 平日
related words: 年末 , 月末


pronunciation: shunbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: vernal equinox
春分の日: shunbunnnohi: Vernal Equinox Day <<<
related words: 彼岸 , 秋分


pronunciation: shourai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , life
translation: future (n.), in the future
将来は: shouraiwa: in the future, henceforth, some day
将来の: shouraino: future (a.), prospective
将来の有る: shourainoaru: promising, with bright prospects <<<
将来有望な: shouraiyuubouna
将来に備える: shourainisonaeru: provide for the future <<<
将来を考える: shouraiokangaeru: think of the future <<<
将来性: shouraisei: prospect, possibilities <<<
近い将来に: chikaishouraini: in the near future <<<
遠い将来に: tooishouraini: in the distant [remote] future <<<
related words: 未来


pronunciation: shoka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: early summer, beginning of summer
初夏に: shokani: early in summer

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