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Direct access: 旅立ち , 旅人 , 探検 , 団体 , 地図 , 眺望 , 直行 , 地理 , 沈没 , 通過


pronunciation: tabidachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: departure on a journey
旅立ちする: tabidachisuru: start [go] on a journey


pronunciation: tabibito
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: traveler, tourist


pronunciation: tanken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , travel
translation: expedition, exploration
探検する: tankensuru: explore
探検家: tankenka: explorer <<<
探検隊: tankentai: expedition, expeditionary party <<<
探検旅行: tankenryokou: exploring expedition <<< 旅行
南極探検: nankyokutanken: Antarctic expedition <<< 南極
地底探検: chiteitanken: A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Jules Verne's science fiction, 1864) <<< 地底
北極探検: hokkyokutanken: arctic expedition [exploration] <<< 北極
洞穴探検: douketsutanken: caving <<< 洞穴
related words: 冒険


pronunciation: dantai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , sport
translation: organization, association, party, group
団体を作る: dantaiotsukuru: make up a party <<<
団体に入る: dantainihairu: enter [join] an association [a group] <<<
団体客: dantaikyaku: party of tourists <<<
団体交渉: dantaikoushou: collective bargaining <<< 交渉 , 団交
団体交渉権: dantaikoushouken: collective bargaining right <<<
団体旅行: dantairyokou: group tour <<< 旅行
団体割引: dantaiwaribiki: party reduction <<< 割引
団体競技: dantaikyougi: team event, team competition <<< 競技
団体生活: dantaiseikatsu: group life <<< 生活
団体精神: dantaiseishin: team spirit <<< 精神
主婦団体: shuhudantai: association of housewives <<< 主婦
株主団体: kabunushidantai: association of shareholders <<< 株主
秘密団体: himitsudantai: secret organization [society] <<< 秘密
主催団体: shusaidantai: host organization <<< 主催
支援団体: shiendantai: supporting organization <<< 支援
圧力団体: atsuryokudantai: pressure group, lobby <<< 圧力
右翼団体: uyokudantai: rightist [right-wing] organization <<< 右翼
左翼団体: sayokudantai: leftist [left-wing] organization <<< 左翼
交渉団体: koushoudantai: negotiating body <<< 交渉
公共団体: koukyoudantai: public body [entity, organization] <<< 公共
宗教団体: shuukyoudantai: communion, religious group <<< 宗教
自治団体: jichidantai: self-governing body <<< 自治
商業団体: shougyoudantai: trade association <<< 商業


pronunciation: chizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , travel
translation: map, chart, plan
地図で捜す: chizudesagasu: look up on a map <<<
地図を見る: chizuomiru: consult a map <<<
地図で調べる: chizudeshiraberu <<< 調
地図帳: chizuchou: atlas <<<
掛地図: kakechizu: wall map <<<
航海地図: koukaichizu: (navigation) chart <<< 航海
観光地図: kankouchizu: tourist map <<< 観光
模型地図: mokeichizu: relief map <<< 模型
輪郭地図: rinkakuchizu: outline map <<< 輪郭
道路地図: dourochizu: road map <<< 道路
世界地図: sekaichizu: map of the world <<< 世界
related words: 図面


pronunciation: choubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: view, prospect, outlook
眺望する: choubousuru: look out (over), command a view (of)
眺望が好い: choubougaii, choubougayoi: afford [command] a fine view <<<
眺望が効かない: choubougakikanai: The view is obstructed <<<
synonyms: 展望 , 見晴 , パノラマ


pronunciation: chokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: direct (n.)
直行の: chokkouno: direct (a.), straight
直行する: chokkousuru: go direct [straight] (to), go through (to)
直行便: chokkoubin: nonstop flight (for) <<< 便
直行列車: chokkouressha: through train <<< 列車
related words: 直航


pronunciation: chiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , travel
translation: geography, geographical features, topography
地理の: chirino: geographical
地理上: nochirijouno <<<
地理に暗い: chirinikurai: be a stranger in a locality <<<
地理に明るい: chiriniakarui: be familiar with a locality <<<
地理学: chirigaku: geography <<<
地理学者: chirigakusha: geographer <<< 学者
地理書: chirisho: geographical writing <<<


pronunciation: chinbotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: sinking, foundering
沈没する: chinbotsusuru: sink, go down, be submerged
沈没船: chinbotsusen: sunken vessel <<<


pronunciation: tsuuka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: passing, pass (n.), transit (n.)
通過する: tsuukasuru: pass (v.), transit (v.)
通過駅: tsuukaeki: nonstop station <<<
通過客: tsuukakyaku: transit passenger <<<
通過税: tsuukazei: transit duty <<<
通過関税: tsuukakanzei <<< 関税
通過査証: tsuukasashou: transit visa <<< 査証
通過貿易: tsuukaboueki: transit trade <<< 貿易
通過貨物: tsuukakamotsu: transit goods <<< 貨物
related words: パス

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