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Direct access: 激励 , 現役 , 拳骨 , 減点 , 後衛 , 後援 , 興行 , 攻撃 , 交代 , 後退


pronunciation: gekirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: encouragement, cheer, stimulation
激励する: gekireisuru: encourage, cheer (v.), stimulate
synonyms: 鼓舞


pronunciation: genneki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: active service, duty
現役の: gennekino: in active service, in commission
現役中: gennekichuu <<<
現役に服する: gennekinihukusuru: enter the active service <<<
現役に就く: gennekinitsuku <<<
現役を退く: gennekioshirizoku: retire from the active service <<< 退
現役兵: gennekihei: soldier on service <<<
現役将校: gennekishoukou: officer on the active list <<< 将校
現役選手: gennekisenshu: player on the playing list <<< 選手
related words: 浪人


pronunciation: genkotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: fist
拳骨を固める: genkotsuokatameru: clench one's fist <<<
拳骨を食らわせる: genkotsuokurawaseru: strike [beat] (a person) with one's fist <<<
拳骨を食らう: genkotsuokurau: get a punch
related words: 鉄拳


pronunciation: genten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: demerit mark, penalty point
減点する: gentensuru: give (a person) a demerit mark


pronunciation: kouei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: rear guard, back player
antonyms: 前衛


pronunciation: kouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: support (n.), backing, patronage, sponsorship
後援する: kouensuru: support (v.), back, patronize, get behind
後援の下に: kouennnomotoni: with the support of, under the patronage of <<<
後援会: kouenkai: supporters' association, campaign club <<<
後援者: kouensha: supporter, patron, sponsor, booster <<<
後援事業: kouenjigyou: aid organization, patronage <<< 事業
related words: 協賛 , スポンサー


pronunciation: kougyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , sport
translation: performance, exhibition, show
興行する: kougyousuru: give performances, exhibit
興行団: kougyoudan: company, troupe <<<
興行師: kougyoushi: show proprietor, showman <<<
興行主: kougyounushi: promoter <<<
興行界: kougyoukai: entertainment world <<<
興行物: kougyoubutsu: performance, show piece <<<
興行権: kougyouken: performing rights <<<
夜興行: yorukougyou: soiree, night representation <<<
昼興行: hirukougyou: matinee <<<
夜間興行: yakankougyou: evening performance [show] <<< 夜間
初日興行: shonichikougyou: opening performance, the première <<< 初日
深夜興行: shinnyakougyou: midnight show <<< 深夜
長期興行: choukikougyou: long run (of a play) <<< 長期
サーカスを興行する: saakasuokougyousuru: run a circus <<< サーカス
related words: 巡業


pronunciation: kougeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: attack, offense, aggression
攻撃する: kougekisuru: attack (v.), assault, fire
攻撃的: kougekiteki: offensive, aggressive <<<
攻撃側: kougekigawa: team at bat (in baseball) <<<
攻撃者: kougekisha: attacker <<<
攻撃軍: kougekigun: attacking force <<<
攻撃機: kougekiki: attack plane <<<
攻撃精神: kougekiseishin: offensive spirit <<< 精神
攻撃態勢: kougekitaisei: offensive position <<< 態勢
攻撃計画: kougekikeikaku: offensive plan <<< 計画
攻撃可能: kougekikanou: attackable, assailable, vulnerable <<< 可能
攻撃不可能: kougekihukanou: unattackable, unassailable, invulnerable
総攻撃: soukougeki: general offensive <<<
猛攻撃: moukougeki: onslaught <<<
先制攻撃: senseikougeki: preemptive attack [strike] <<< 先制
魚雷攻撃: gyoraikougeki: torpedoing <<< 魚雷
魚雷攻撃する: gyoraikougekisuru: torpedo (v.) <<< 魚雷
報復攻撃: houhukukougeki: retaliatory attack <<< 報復
側面攻撃: sokumenkougeki: flank attack <<< 側面
正面攻撃: shoumenkougeki: frontal attack <<< 正面
集中攻撃: shuuchuukougeki: concentrated attack <<< 集中
人身攻撃: jinshinkougeki: personal attack <<< 人身
人身攻撃をする: jinshinkougekiosuru: make a personal attack on (a person), indulge in personalities, become personal <<< 人身
自爆攻撃: jibakukougeki: suicidal bombing attack <<< 自爆
包囲攻撃: houikougeki: siege <<< 包囲
サイバー攻撃: saibaakougeki: cyber attack <<< サイバー
synonyms: 襲撃 , 突撃
antonyms: 守備


pronunciation: koutai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 交替
keyword: sport , industry
translation: change (n.), relief, relay (n.), rotation, shift (n.), alteration, replacement
交代する: koutaisuru: change (v.), relay, relieve, rotate, shift (v.), alternate, replace
交代に: koutaini: alternately
交代員: koutaiin: a shift <<<
交代要員: koutaiyouin <<< 要員
交代時間: koutaijikan: changing time <<< 時間
交代作業: koutaisagyou: shift work <<< 作業
世代交代: sedaikoutai: alternation of generations <<< 世代
衛兵交代: eiheikoutai: change of the guard <<< 衛兵


pronunciation: koutai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: war , sport
translation: retreat (n.)
後退する: koutaisuru: retreat (v.), go [fall] back, recede, move [go] astern
景気後退: keikikoutai: business recession <<< 景気
antonyms: 前進

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