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Direct access: 重婚 , 重罪 , 常習 , 掏摸 , 窃盗 , 詮索 , 巣窟 , 捜査 , 捜索 , 狙撃


pronunciation: juukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bigamy
重婚する: juukonsuru: commit bigamy
重婚者: juukonsha: bigamist <<<


pronunciation: juuzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: felony, grave [capital] crime [offense]
重罪を犯す: juuzaiookasu: commit a grave crime <<<
重罪人: juuzainin: felon <<<
重罪犯: juuzaihan <<<
synonyms: 大罪


pronunciation: joushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: habit, addiction
常習の: joushuuno: habitual
常習的に: joushuutekini: habitually, in the habit of <<<
常習犯: joushuuhan: habitual offender, confirmed criminal <<<
常習人: joushuunin <<<
synonyms: 習慣


pronunciation: suri
other spells: スリ
keyword: crime
translation: pickpocket
掏摸に遭う: suriniau: have one's pocket picked <<<
掏摸を働く: suriohataraku: pick a person's pocket <<<


pronunciation: settou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: theft, larceny
窃盗を働く: settouohataraku: commit a theft <<<


pronunciation: sensaku
kanji characters:
keyword: crime
translation: inquiry, investigation
詮索する: sensakusuru: search, inquire, investigate
詮索好き: sensakuzuki: inquisitive, curious <<<
related words: 検索


pronunciation: soukutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: den, haunt, hangout, lair


pronunciation: sousa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: criminal investigation
捜査する: sousasuru: investigate (a case), search
捜査係: sousagakari: police detective <<<
捜査課: sousaka: criminal investigation section <<<
捜査網: sousamou: dragnet investigation <<<
捜査線: sousasen: network of police search <<<
捜査本部: sousahonbu: investigation headquarters <<< 本部
捜査主任: sousashunin: chief investigator <<< 主任
犯罪捜査: hanzaisousa: criminal investigation <<< 犯罪
強制捜査: kyouseisousa: compulsory investigation, forcible search <<< 強制
related words: 捜索


pronunciation: sousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: search (n.), investigation
捜索する: sousakusuru: search (v.), investigate, hunt
捜索隊: sousakutai: search party <<<
捜索権: sousakuken: right of search <<<
捜索願: sousakunegai: demand for the search of a missing person <<<
捜索令状: sousakureijou: search warrant
家宅捜索: katakusousa: domiciliary visit <<< 家宅
家宅捜索する: katakusousasuru: search a house <<< 家宅
related words: 捜査


pronunciation: sogeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , crime
translation: snipe (n.)
狙撃する: sogekisuru: snipe (v.)
狙撃兵: sogekihei: sniper <<<
狙撃手: sogekishu <<<

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