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category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 7
translation: valley, dale, vale, ravine, glen, gorge
koku, yoku
谷: tani
Kanji words: 谷間 , 峡谷 , 渓谷 , 渋谷
Expressions: 気圧の谷

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: want, wish, avarice, greed
欲: yoku: greediness, avarice
欲の深い: yokunohukai: greedy, avaricious, covetous, grasping <<<
欲の無い: yokunonai: unselfish, disinterested <<<
欲を言えば: yokuoieba: If I may be allowed to hope more <<<
欲の塊: yokunokatamari: incarnation of avarice itself <<<
欲に目が眩む: yokunimegakuramu: be blinded by avarice
欲する: hossuru: want, wish, like, desire
欲しい: hoshii
Kanji words: 欲情 , 強欲 , 意欲 , 愛欲 , 性欲 , 貪欲 , 欲張 , 欲望 , 情欲 , 食欲
Expressions: 権力欲 , 征服欲 , 知識欲 , 読書欲 , 購買欲 , 領土欲 , 支配欲 , 生殖欲 , 独占欲 , 金銭欲 , 名誉欲 , 所有欲
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