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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 6
translation: stay, next (ext.), auxiliary, second
次ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed
次: tsugi: following (who rests next)
次の: tsugino: next, following, coming, ensuing, adjoining, second
次の間: tsuginoma: next [adjoining] room, anteroom <<<
次の日: tsuginohi: the next day <<< , 翌日
次に: tsugini: next, secondly, in the next [second] place
次ず: tsuizu: make a sorting
次まる: todomaru: stay, take a rest
次る: yadoru: stay <<< 宿
Kanji words: 目次 , 一次 , 年次 , 二次 , 野次 , 次回 , 次官 , 次元 , 次女 , 次長 , 次点 , 次男 , 漸次 , 取次
Expressions: 二の次 , 二の次にする , 相次ぐ , 次世代

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 7
translation: cold, cool, chilly, icy
rei, ryou
冷える: hieru: get cold
冷やす: hiyasu: cool (v.), ice, refrigerate
冷める: sameru: become cool, get cold, be spoiled, be chilled, cool down
冷ます: samasu: cool (v.), spoil person's pleasure, dampen a person's enthusiasm, bring down, allay, abate
冷たい: tsumetai: cold, chilly, icy, indifferent
冷たさ: tsumetasa: coldness, chilliness, chill, indifference
冷しい: suzushii: cool <<<
冷や: hiya: cold water (jp.)
冷やかし: hiyakashi: banter (n., jp.), chaff, jeer, mere inspection
冷やかす: hiyakasu: banter (v., jp.), chaff, make fun of, tease, just look at (goods)
冷ややかな: hiyayakana: cold, coldhearted, unkind, indifferent
冷ややかに: hiyayakani: coldly, indifferently, coolly
Kanji words: 冷戦 , 冷蔵 , 冷笑 , 冷静 , 寒冷 , 冷凍 , 冷房 , 冷気 , 冷淡 , 冷却 , 冷水 , 冷汗 , 冷酷
Expressions: 氷で冷す , 氷で冷した , 熱が冷める , 肝を冷やす , 興を冷ます , 冷し拉麺
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 10
translation: freeze, congeal
凍る: kooru: freeze (vi.), congeal
凍った: kootta: frozen
凍らす: koorasu: freeze (vt.), let freeze
凍える: kogoeru: be frozen
凍て付く: itetsuku: freeze <<<
凍て付いた道: itetsuitamichi: frozen road
Kanji words: 解凍 , 凍傷 , 冷凍
related words:

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: authorize (officially)
准える: nazoraeru: model (A after B), compare [liken] (A to B), imitate <<< ,

category: common usage
keyword: health , chemistry
Number of strokes: 16
translation: congeal, coagulate, devote oneself (ext.)
凝る: koru: be absorbed [engrossed] in, be devoted [given] to, go in for, be finical, get stiff (jp.)
凝り: kori: stiffness, hardening, stiff neck
凝り固まる: korikatamaru: congeal, coagulate, clot, curdle, be absorbed [engrossed] in, be bigoted <<<
凝らす: korasu: devote oneself
凝り: shikori: fleshy tumor, node, emotional entanglement
Kanji words: 凝固 , 凝り性 , 肩凝
Expressions: 肩が凝る , 思いを凝らす , 賭けに凝る , 瞳を凝らす , 協議を凝らす , 意匠を凝らす , 工夫を凝らす , 趣向を凝らす

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: cold
冴える: saeru: be bright (jp.), be clear, become skilled [dexterous] (in)
冴えた: saeta: bright, clear, lucid, skilled, dexterous
冴えた色: saetairo: vivid color <<<
冴えない色: saenaiiro: dull color <<<

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 10
translation: icehouse (orig.), endure, bear, stand, tide [get] over, make shift, keep off, exceed, surpass, outdo, be superior, go ahead, invade, violate
凌ぐ: shinogu: endure, bear, stand, tide [get] over, make shift, keep off, exceed, surpass, outdo, be superior, go ahead
凌す: okasu: invade, violate <<<
凌: himuro: icehouse
凌ぎ良い: shinogiii: mild (winter), genial (climate) <<<
凌ぎ難い: shinoginikui: intolerable, unbearable, trying, severe <<<
Expressions: 飢えを凌ぐ , 空腹を凌ぐ , 雨露を凌ぐ , 当座凌ぎ , 退屈を凌ぐ , 退屈凌ぎに , 一時凌ぎ

category: JIS1
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cold, chilly, bleak, frightful, terrific, terrible, tremendous, uncanny, weird, ghastly, dreadful, horrible, wonderful, amazing, great, awful, enormous
凄い: samui: cold, chilly, bleak <<<
凄じい: susamajii: frightful, terrific, terrible, tremendous, awesome
凄じく: susamajiku: ghastlily, dreadfully, horribly, frightfully, terribly, awfully
凄じい勢いで: susamajiiikioide: with terrific force <<<
凄い: sugoi: uncanny, weird, ghastly, dreadful, horrible, frightful, wonderful, amazing, great, terrible, awful, enormous
凄く: sugoku: very awfully, terribly
凄い光: sugoihikari: lurid [ghastly] light <<<
凄い嵐: sugoiarashi: violent storm, fierce tempest <<<
凄い腕: sugoiude: singular [wonderful] ability [skill] <<<
Expressions: 物凄い

category: JIS2
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 6
translation: freeze, congeal, cool, cold, chilly
go, ko
冱る: kooru: freeze (vi.), congeal <<<
冱い: samui: cool, cold, chilly <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 15
translation: bleak, rigorous
凜い: samui: bleak
凜しい: kibishii: rigorous

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