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category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 13
translation: refuse, decline, resign, word (bor.), speech, expression
辞する: jisuru: resign, take one's leave of, say good-bye (to a person)
辞を低くして: jiohikukushite: humbly, politely <<<
辞を低うして: jiohikuushite <<<
辞: kotoba: speech, expression, word <<< 言葉
辞る: kotowaru: refuse, decline <<<
辞める: yameru: resign, give up <<<
Kanji words: 辞退 , 御辞儀 , 弔辞 , 御世辞 , 辞書 , 辞職 , 辞典 , 辞任 , 賛辞 , 祝辞 , 辞令
Expressions: 務めを辞める , 職を辞める , 俳優を辞める , 告別の辞 , 接尾辞 , 接頭辞 , 学校を辞める , 就任の辞 , 仕事を辞める , 閉会の辞 , 大臣を辞める , 会社を辞める , 巻頭の辞 , 開会の辞 , 送別の辞 , 称賛の辞

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 7
translation: bitter, pain, piquant, difficult, harsh, eighth symbol of jik. (bor.)
辛い: karai: piquant, hot, pungent, peppery, salty
辛い: tsurai: painful, hard, difficult, harsh, trying, bitter
辛い目に遭う: tsuraimeniau: have a hard time of it, have bitter experiences
辛い思いをする: tsuraiomoiosuru <<<
辛うじて: karoujite: barely, with difficulty
辛うじて間に合う: karoujitemaniau: just in time (for)
辛: kanoto: eighth symbol of jik.
辛: karashi: pepper (jp.) <<< 辛子
Kanji words: 辛子 , 辛口 , 香辛料 , 辛抱
Expressions: 点が辛い , 読み辛い , 採点が辛い

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