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category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 6
translation: pond, pool
池: ike
Kanji words: 電池 , 池袋
Expressions: 蓮の池 , 貯水池
related words: プール

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 7
translation: steam, vapor
汽: yuge <<< 湯気
Kanji words: 汽船 , 汽車 , 汽笛
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: politics
Number of strokes: 7
translation: rend, decide (bor.), fix, arrange, settle
決して: kesshite: never, by no means, no at all, not in the least, on no account, in no way
決く: saku: rend, tear <<<
決める: kimeru: decide, fix, arrange, settle (a matter), be resolved [determined] (to do), make up one's mind (to do), choose, define, set, fix, appoint
決まる: kimaru: be decided
決め付ける: kimetsukeru: scold, take (a person) to task <<<
決まり切った: kimarikitta: regular, fixed, hackneyed, conventional, quite plain, clear as day, indisputable, self-evident <<<
Kanji words: 解決 , 決意 , 決戦 , 決勝 , 決心 , 決死 , 対決 , 決闘 , 可決 , 否決 , 即決 , 決断 , 決定 , 判決 , 決算 , 決済 , 決着
Expressions: 週決めで , 意を決する , 境を決める , 狡を決める , 籤で決める , 値を決める , 腹を決める , 覚悟を決める , 抽選で決める , 運命を決する , 決り文句 , 期日を決める , 勝負を決する , 役割を決める , 価格を決める , 順位を決める , 多数決 , 態度を決める

category: to learn in school
keyword: sea
Number of strokes: 8
translation: wave, billow, surge
ha, hi
波: nami
波が立つ: namigatatsu: swell, surge <<<
波が静まる: namigashizumaru: The sea goes down, The waves subside <<<
波の音: naminooto: sound [roar] of waves <<<
波に呑まれる: namininomareru: be swallowed up by the waves <<<
波に浚われる: naminisarawareru: be washed away by the waves <<<
波に漂う: naminitadayou: drift on the waves, be tossed about by the waves <<<
波に乗る: namininoru: ride on the waves, surf (v.) <<< , 波乗り
Kanji words: 寒波 , 周波 , 電波 , 波動 , 秋波 , 津波 , 波止場 , 波乗り , 細波 , 波及 , 波乱 , 大波 , 小波 , 波路 , 防波堤
Expressions: 衝撃波 , 震動波 , 地上波 , 船首波 , 地震波 , ガンマ波 , ベータ波 , マイクロ波

category: to learn in school
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: swim, swimming
泳ぐ: oyogu: swim
泳ぎ: oyogi: swimming
泳ぎに行く: oyoginiiku: go swimming, go for a swim <<<
泳ぎ上る: oyoginoboru: swim against the stream <<<
泳ぎ下る: oyogikudaru: swim down the stream <<<
泳ぎ切る: oyogikiru: swim across (a river) <<<
Kanji words: 水泳 , 平泳ぎ , 背泳ぎ
Expressions: 必死に泳ぐ , クロールで泳ぐ


category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 8
translation: go along
沿う: sou
Kanji words: 沿線 , 沿岸 , 沿革 , 山沿 , 沿海
Expressions: 川に沿って

category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 8
translation: swamp, pond
沼: numa
Kanji words: 泥沼
related words:

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 8
translation: pour, water, sprinkle, irrigate
chuu, shu
注ぐ: sosogu: pour into, water (v.), sprinkle, irrigate, flow [fall] into, empty into, fix (on), devote (to), concentrate (on)
Kanji words: 注射 , 注水 , 注入 , 注目 , 発注 , 注解 , 注釈 , 注連縄 , 注文 , 受注 , 注意
Expressions: 油を注ぐ , 水を注す , 全力を注ぐ , 目薬を注す , 醤油注し , 主力を注ぐ

category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 8
translation: river
ka, ga
河: kawa
Kanji words: 河豚 , 河馬 , 河童 , 運河 , 河口 , 河岸 , 河川 , 銀河 , 大河 , 氷河 , 河原
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: administration
Number of strokes: 8
translation: govern, rule, reign, correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair
ji, chi
治める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising)
治まる: osamaru: be in peace, calm down, be settled, fall, go down, subside, be got under control, be calmed down, be appeased, get better
治る: naoru: be mended [repaired], be put [set] to rights, be restored, be corrected, be reformed, be cured <<<
治す: naosu: correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair, patch up, fix up <<<
治: osamu: pers.
Kanji words: 政治 , 統治 , 退治 , 治療 , 明治 , 治安 , 自治 , 治験 , 治癒
Expressions: 丸く治める , 病気が治る , 病気を治す , 風邪が治らない

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